A competition for gaited horses

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A competition for gaited horses is a race near New Hillcrest that is specifically for Icelandic horses only. It requires the use of the tölt gait during the race.


"Hey, hey yo, hey yo. Hey, yo, hey yo! <Player Name> Are you back to try the race again? Remember, it's a bit special as it's made especially for Icelandic horses. At certain parts you are only allowed to go at the pace of the Icelandic horse trot, you know - tölt." - Lily Bones


Race to the finish as fast as you can, using any of the Icelandic horses.


Finished Race

"Wazzzza!!! Seriously! You and <Horse Name> are just fantastic together. I can't believe how well you did on the track! All I can say is Wazzzzzaa!!!" - Lily Bones


  • Any breed of horse can be used on this race the very first time you compete in it, but after that, the race becomes exclusive to the Icelandic horse.
  • Because the tölt on the Gen 2 Icelandic is faster than the Gen 3 Icelandic, it is almost impossible to get a high score on this race using a Gen 3 Icelandic.