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Acerbus is Jay's horse in Star Stable Online.


He is a light grey Marwari with a long flowing black mane and tail with bright green eyes.

Star Stable Online

Acerbus is a corrupted Starbreed forcibly bonded to Jay. He is used by the Dark Riders to corrupt the land in their goal of setting Garnok free. He does not appear to be able to speak or be in control of his actions.


Acerbus is a masculine form of the word "acerbum" it comes from the latin root, ācer meaning “sharp.” However Acerbus has many meanings such a harsh, bitter, sour, severe, extremely painful, rough, violent, grievous, oppressive, distressing, and sad.


  • Acerbus's mane style is unique, as it isn't available to purchase for the marwari in-game.