Alena Nano

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Alena Nano is a veterinarian at Bayridge Village in Star Stable: The Spring Rider.


Alena Nano has a similar appearance as her icon, however, she has brown hair and eyes, as well as a green shirt underneath her white veterinary coat. She also wears a black, knee-length skirt with black low high-heels.

Across the four Star Stable CD games, these characters share character models:


Alena Nano asks the player to see Bella Oak, the environmental worker at the Bay, for help if they need. Alena Nano has gotten a message about an oil leak from Bella who has come to inspect the damage. Bella noticed the swans at the shore has gotten oil on them and asks the player to collect them and bring them to Alena Nano for her to clean and care for. After Alena Nano has cared for the swans, she asks the swans to be put back.

Quest XP
Leaking In the Bay? 100
Birds Are Clean 250