Board Thread:Star Stable Online/@comment-38143633-20190114160254/@comment-38230104-20190207034609

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I enjoy roleplaying with others on the game from time to time (well.. more like every day I get on if I'm not busy questing or something as I was the last few days trying to catch up on the story). Consider joining a club as well--if you find you like roleplaying with others, I notice my server has lots of warrior cat roleplay clubs. Though, I would guess there would be some "wild horse" roleplay clubs as well, though they're far more rare for whatever reason. There are also dressage clubs, which often practice together. I don't like the need to have literally EVERYTHING the same (not just the moves & timing) in dressage though, so I don't tend to do it. I think SSO is a very social game along with it being exploration & story oriented.