General Riding

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The General Riding is led by Herman at the Jorvik Stables in the Star Stable: The Autumn Rider game.


Time to Ride!


Herman Icon.png

‎So you think you’re ready? Excellent. Let’s get this exercise started. Pay attention to the instructions and keep the horse in the correct gait.


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‎It’s time for you to try riding! Show Herman that you can complete the exercise by keeping the horse in the right gait around the paddock. Return to Herman when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Herman Icon.png

‎Good work! You can keep riding the horse as much as you like, but remember that it’s a beginner’s horse. Once you get better at riding you can ride more advanced horses. Also feel free to come back and let me know any time you’re ready to try again. Doing exercises is good for your horse and will make it better, depending on the type of exercise. If you perform really well I might reward you with a medal of some kind that you can stick in your trophy cabinet, to show what an accomplished rider you are!

General Riding Bronze Medal


Herman Icon.png

‎Are you ready to try for the bronze medal? If you succeed, it’s all yours when you come back and see me!


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‎Complete the General Riding to get the Bronze Medal. Let Herman know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Herman Icon.png

‎Well done! Here’s the bronze medal. Put it in your trophy cabinet so you don’t lose it!

General Riding Silver Medal


Herman Icon.png

‎Is it time to try for the silver medal already? Well, it’s up to you! Training this hard means that you must be really serious about trying to get a place in the Claymore Challenge at McKinney Castle.


Logg Icon.png

‎Complete the General Riding to get the Silver Medal. Let Herman know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Herman Icon.png

‎Perfect! Very, very good. Here’s your silver medal. Congratulations!

General Riding Gold Medal


Herman Icon.png

‎Are you ready for a shot at the highest award? If you succeed this time, I’ll give you the gold medal. This proves that you have really mastered the basic techniques.


Logg Icon.png

‎Complete the General Riding to get the Gold Medal. Let Herman know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Herman Icon.png

‎Here’s your gold medal! There’s nothing more I can teach you, but feel free to return whenever you want to train, or when you’re breaking in a new horse. Basic training will help you more than you realize.

General Riding Training


Herman Icon.png

‎Ready for some training? You know what to do!


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‎Complete the General Riding for a successful training session. Let Herman know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Herman Icon.png

‎Perfect! You’re both fast learners. I’m sure your horse will be more responsive to your commands now.

The Rewards & Time-limits

XP Discipline Time-limit
Time to Ride! 10 Increases 4:00:00
Time to Ride! Bronze.png General Riding Bronze Medal 50 Increases 3:00:00
Time to Ride! Silver.png General Riding Silver Medal 100 Increases 2:00:00
Time to Ride! Gold.png General Riding Gold Medal 150 Increases 1:20:00
General Riding Training Increases 2:00:00