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The Janitor is an unnamed man in Jorvik City Mall who has a practical personality and dedicated to his work as a janitor. He is found standing beside the escalator facing the entrance to the mall. The player often helps him maintain the mall such as cleaning and picking up litter. The janitor attempts to be considerate and help the player, but avoids becoming too involved in other people’s businesses. The player and Eric tries to ask him for help to find Madison who went looking for Nightdust.


The janitor is a large man with blonde hair and dark eyes. He wears a blue jacket over a white shirt along with muted lime trousers and brown shoes. In addition, he wears a white daisy on his front.

Janitor as seen in-game


“Janitor” refers to a caretaker or doorkeeper of a building in English.


  • He has a similar build to Ivan and Buck.
  • There is a janitor in Starshine Legacy games, however, it is unclear whether the janitor in Star Stable Online the same janitor.