Jasper Jet

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Jasper Jet is the son of Jordan Jet, the new stable warden of Rockville Stables. He is a character found in Star Stable: The Spring Rider at Rockville Village.


This is an icon with a young boy in it. He has blond short hair and broken glasses taped in the middle. He wears a white cap with a grey front and red text on it. He wears a white t-shirt with a grey vest that has red linings.
The icon Jasper Jet has in Star Stable: The Spring Rider.

Jasper Jet has the same appearance as James in Star Stable: The Autumn Rider. He has a white cap with a grey front that has text in red. He has blond hair and broken glasses taped in the middle. He has a white t-shirt and a grey vest with red linings on. He wears blue jeans and red sneakers with white details.

Across the four Star Stable CD games, these characters share character models:


Jordan Jet has asked the player to see where her son, Jasper Jet, is as he should have already been home. He usually likes to play at the Mountain Cottage with Beate but it turns out he already left some time ago. Beate asks for help to find him, and he has on his way home decided to play some more in the mountain. Therefore, Jasper asks the player to tell his mom he will be back home after he finishes building his stable.

Quest XP
I’m Coming Home 450