Lighthouse Race

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The Lighthouse races can be found at the Twin Island Lighthouse and is hosted by Guardian. The race is a part of the Star Stable: The Autumn Rider game.


Lighthouse Lightning


Mr. Guardian
Guardian Icon.png

‎Hi, <player name>! We have a tradition here in Jorvik - a special race from lighthouse to lighthouse. Once you start I’ll signal Mr. Guardian, the keeper at the next lighthouse. See if you can make it to the lighthouse before the time runs out!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must beat the clock in the Lighthouse Race. Get to the next lighthouse before the time runs out.

Finished Race:

Mr. Guardian
Guardian Icon.png

‎Nice run. Don’t forget, you can try again and I might award you a medal. Start by talking to Mr. Beacon, my colleague at the other lighthouse, and I’ll keep the clock running until you get here!

Lighthouse Race Bronze Medal


Mr. Guardian
Guardian Icon.png

‎Are you ready to race for the bronze? Good luck!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must beat the Lighthouse Race Bronze Medal time. Let Mr. Guardian know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Mr. Guardian
Guardian Icon.png

‎Congratulations! What a race! I’ll be sure to let Mr. Beacon know that you’re ready for a new challenge. Here’s your bronze medal.

Lighthouse Race Silver Medal


Mr. Guardian
Guardian Icon.png

‎I heard that you won the bronze medal. Are you sure you’re ready to try for silver? It is much, much, much harder.


Logg Icon.png

‎You must beat the Lighthouse Race Silver Medal time. Let Mr. Guardian know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Mr. Guardian
Guardian Icon.png

‎Congratulations! You did great! Faster than the fastest ship that ever sailed the seven seas! Here’s your silver medal. I’ll give Mr. Beacon a call and let him know that you’re ready to try for gold!

Lighthouse Race Gold Medal


Mr. Guardian
Guardian Icon.png

‎Are you ready for the final challenge? You’ll have to ride faster than you’ve ever done before!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must beat the Lighthouse Race Gold Medal time. Let Mr. Guardian know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Mr. Guardian
Guardian Icon.png

‎Congratulations, you did it! I can’t believe my eyes. Here’s your gold medal. Please feel free to use this trail anytime for exercise and training. It’s very, very useful!

Lighthouse Race Training


Mr. Guardian
Guardian Icon.png

‎Just do it! Show me that you still have it in you, that you haven’t forgotten what you showed us when you won your medals!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must beat the Lighthouse Race Training time. Let Mr. Guardian know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Mr. Guardian
Guardian Icon.png

‎Did you have a good ride? It sure looks like it. Your horse looks like it’s taken a shower, so I’m sure the ride did you both good. More than good, actually.

The Rewards & Time-limits

XP Speed Endurance Time-limit
Lighthouse Lightning 100 Increases Increases 4:20:00
Ligthhouse Lightning Bronze.png Lighthouse Race Bronze Medal Increases Increases 4:00:00
Ligthhouse Lightning Silver.png Lighthouse Race Silver Medal 100 Increases Increases 3:40:00
Ligthhouse Lightning Gold.png Lighthouse Race Gold Medal 150 Increases Increases 3:20:00
Lighthouse Race Training 200 Increases Increases 4:00:00