Look for Clues in History (Books)

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The Look for Clues in History (Books) are entries the player is required to read during the "Look for Clues in History" quest. The three readings are located in the Silverglade Manor Library but can only be accessed and read during this quest.

The first book describes Jon Jarl's arrival to the island of Jorvik. The second book describes Jon Jarl's funeral and his entombment in the cave near Doyle's Abbey. The final book is an entry in Nic Stoneground's 1989 Journal where he explains the history behind the statue of Governor Gareth in Fort Pinta.

Look for Clues in History (Quest) - Book 1

It was the year of our Lord, 1218, some time in October.

It was a foggy and cold winter morning. Jon Jarl's ships had been in dire straits for weeks. There was hardly any food or fresh water left on board and the starving crew were already half dead but they did not dare stand up to their Jarl.

Jon was convinced he would find uncharted land out here in the ocean. God had shown him this in his increasingly recurring visions. Was Jon going crazy? Or would he prove once and for all he was right? The crew was loyal and would follow him anymore, even if it meant death.

The same moment the first mate was about to jump overboard to end his suffering something happened. The fog cleared before the ship to and revealed rising cliffs above the waters.

Land ahoy! Land ahoy! Land in sight! Please, let it be more than just a barren rock.

It turned out Jon was right, again. The occupants in the first ship unfortunately never found out as the sharp rocks, that would later be referred to as The Thorn Rocks, tore out the bottom of the ship. All men were lost.

Jarl's ship and the rest of the fleet made a sharp turn when they knew of the fate of the first ship and they instead landed at a calmer beach quite a bit further down the coast, south of The Thorn Rocks. It was on that beach that Jon first set his armored foot and despite his emaciated body he climbed up a 50 foot cliff, which would later be the site of their first fort, and he shouted into the night:

- I am Jon Jarl, son of Jor! This land is now my land and I name it Jorvik and I shall defend it with my life as long as I live and with my soul after I am dead!

Thunder boomed down from the mountains. If Jon and his crew had not been so relieved at their landing they might have noticed the sound was not thunder but a huge herd of wild Jorvik horses, frightened by his shouting. Their new land would turn out richer than they ever could have imagined and filled with such dangers that would put your fearsome nightmares to shame.

Look for Clues in History (Quest) - Book 2

Jon Jarl's funeral was held on a bleak autumn day in the year of 1263. For 45 years Jon wreaked havoc on Jorvik and never left the island since the day he first claimed the island as his own. He fought hard for many years but was viewed as a fair and popular ruler who tried hard to unite the many small kingdoms that emerged on the island. Anyone who stood against Jon would face a very dangerous enemy.

Well, everyone knows of his exploits and the history books explain it well. The funeral was attended by many guests representing nearly all the clans of Jorvik. One clan in particular was the Silver Clan of Jon's descendants who still make their home in Silverglade today. Even the local druids, who had a good relationship with Jon Jarl, attended the service.

The funeral lasted three days and was followed by a month of official mourning and peace on Jorvik. The actual burial was in a Tomb not far from the Thorn Rocks where one of his ships sunk to the bottom after they discovered Jorvik. From there, he could forever watch over his mighty castle, rising in the south.

The great Tomb consisted of several rooms and the portal to each room was sealed with a magical Rune Stone that could only be opened with a special magical key. A Sun Key, a Moon Key, a Lightning Key and a Star Key. These magical Druid seals were acquired skills which are now long forgotten.

Nic Stoneground's Travel Log, 1989, vol.12

Nic's Sketch of Governor Gareth's Statue

I was very impressed by the giant statue that has been erected here. The old fort is watched over by the epic statue of Governor Gareth. He defended Jorvik against Pirates with only a cannonball and a boat hook. Without his bravery Jorvik would have been lost to foreign powers and would not be the free nation it is today. Hence the statue.

The location was a natural choice when Jon Jarl landed in 1218 and built Jorvik's first fort. Governor Gareth modernized the old fort in the 1600s, using cutting edge defense construction techniques.

Gareth was proud of the fact that his ancestors had travelled with Columbus on his famous transatlantic voyage in 1492 and therefore named the fort after the famous sister ship of the Santa Maria.

During extensive renovations Gareth is said to have found a number of very interesting artifact in the walls of the old fort. Legend also has it that Gareth still watches over a very unique artifact himself from beyond his final resting place. The artifact apparently has something to do with the sun.

Some day I will find the time to investigate these stories more thoroughly. But today I have an exciting church ruin to visit. But this has been fascinating, I must admit.