Magnus Steinar

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Magnus Steinar was a stone cutter who served for Jon Jarl. He is currently a ghost who guards the Stonecutter’s Vault. According to Magnus, he was one of Jorvik’s first settlers and built the vault and his greatest invention was the Keystone to Pandoria. In the game, he is dubious of the player’s loyalty and worthiness to the druids and tests them by seeing if they can restore all the fragments of the seal on the floor in the first room of the vault. During one of the halloween events, an unnamed stone cutter ghost spoke highly of Magnus’ stone mason skills. He witnessed Jon Jarl ordering Magnus to split the rune stone near his stable in half as part of an important ritual. However, he mentioned that it drove all the horses in those stables mad.


"Magnus" is Latin for "Great". It could also be derived from the old norse name magn meaning "strength". "Steinar" also originated from the old norse words steinn meaning "stone" and arr meaning "warrior".
