Marchenghast Castle

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The castle is situated on the edge of a mountain.

Marchenghast Castle is a yet to be released estate in Star Stable Online. The castle could be seen as early as 2017, but was officially teased and remodelled in the update of November 6th, 2019.

Even though the property hasn't been released yet and is not able to be accessed by the player, the castle can be clearly seen from the bridge on The Old King's Road.


While there is currently not much information known about the castle, some has been given about it in quests. In the Jorvik Gazette questline, one of the options for the newspaper headline is about the castle. If the player chooses to include this story in the newspaper, the following will be in it when the player reads it:


Little is known of the enchanting castle that overlooks Goldenhills Valley, or the regal family that is said to have resided there for centuries. Local history enthusiast, Luciana, gave us the low-down on these royal Jorvegians.

'The castle itself was built fairly recently, in the 18th century, but the foundations suggest there was an even older building standing in its place before,' Luciana explained. The Jorvik Gazette tried reaching out to the castle's residents - if any - for comment, but has yet to receive a reply."


The word “Märchen” is German for “fairytale”,[1] fitting to the castle’s looks. “Ghast” is an English word that has several meanings, all of which refer to something being strange, abnormal, or frightening.[2][3] “Marchenghast” therefore may mean “strange fairytale."


  • The sign at the T-junction
    Formerly, the only proof of the ancient building being called "Marchenghast Castle" was the sign pointing to the still blocked-off road leading up to the castle. However, it has since been referred to by this name by NPCs in quests.
  • Prior to being named, some players believed the castle to be Claymore Castle or McKinney Castle from Star Stable: The Autumn Rider.


  1. Dictionary, s.v. “märchen,” accessed January 26, 2023,
  2. Dictionary, s.v. “ghast,” accessed January 26, 2023,
  3. Dictionary, s.v. “ghastly,” accessed January 26, 2023,