Rocky Race

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Rocky Race is an endurance ride held by Jordan Jet around the mountains of Rockville in Star Stable: The Spring Rider. The trail goes by the Mountain Cottage.


Rocky Racing


‎<player name>! I’ve been putting together a new trek around Rockville that I think will be perfect for classes! It is designed to train the horse’s speed and endurance. Could you check if the time I’ve set for it is ok - that it gives the right amount of exercise?


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‎You must beat the time limit in the Rockville Race! Let Jordan Jet know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

‎Perfect! Nice to hear that the time limit for basic trekking feels good and your horse has gotten good exercise. That will be the target for new riders that sign up for the stables,. I have some times down for the medals as well. If you can beat the times, I think are good, I’ll give you the medal.

Rocky Race Bronze Medal


‎This is the time I’ve set for the bronze medal. Ready to try it?


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‎You must beat the time limit for winning the Rockville Race Bronze Medal! Let Jordan Jet know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

‎Well done. The time seems about right. Let me know if you want to know what I’ve put down in order for people to win the silver medal.

Rocky Race Silver Medal


‎The Silver Medal time is a little bit harder than the bronze medal, but it should be far from impossible for a rider like you. Give it a try!


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‎You must beat the time limit for winning the Rockville Race Silver Medal! Let Jordan Jet know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

‎I knew my time was good. You beat it, but not by a large margin that I thought. I feel quite confident that this will be a good challenge for new riders and their horses.

Rocky Race Gold Medal


‎And now - the gold! This is for those who want to push themselves and their horse a little bit further, so don’t expect to beat it the first time!


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‎You must beat the time limit for winning the Rockville Race Gold Medal! Let Jordan Jet know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

‎You did it! Good work out there on the trek! Take this - the first gold medal I get to award since I took over Rockville Stables. It is a pleasure to give it to you!

Rocky Race Training


‎You need some training? Want to make your horse faster and gain better endurance? Then take a ride around the trek. I’ve set a time that you need to beat.


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‎You must beat the time limit for completing the Rockville Race Training! Let Jordan Jet know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

‎Good riding! I think your horse looks a little better than before you started! Please feel free to come back anytime, with any horse you like!

The Rewards & Time-limits

Race XP Speed Endurance Time-limit
Rocky Racing 100 Increases Increases 5:30:00
Rocky Racing Bronze.png Rocky Race Bronze Medal 125 Increases Increases 4:00:00
Rocky Racing Silver.png Rocky Race Silver Medal 150 Increases Increases 3:20:00
Rocky Racing Gold.png Rocky Race Gold Medal 200 Increases Increases 2:50:00
Rocky Race Training Increases Increases 10:00:00