Ronnie Bob Summers

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Ronnie Bob Summers is the father of Marley, Barney, Carney and Courtney Summers.

Star Stable Online

Ronnie Bob has not physically appeared in the game, but all his children talk warmly of him.

Marley, Barney and Carney all claim that their father has died (all of them giving different dates of death - everything between one to fifteen years back), while their sister Courtney states that she talked with the father not long ago, saying that he is still alive. It is unclear what actually has happened to Ronnie Bob.

In one of the quests added in 2022, Big Bonny is on a videocall with Ronnie Bob seated on Marley's farm, revealing she is good friends with him. There, she talks about having to "adjust" the Summer siblings memories regarding the death of their father, hinting that they might be cyborg robots as well.
