Silversong Pony Championship

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The championship area

The Silversong Pony Championship is a championship located near the road between Moorland and Fort Pinta. It is run by Charles. Through participating in it, the player can raise their reputation with the championship's dedicated reputation faction.

In order to compete, the player must be riding a pony. The breeds eligible for competing are: Jorvik Pony, Chincoteague Pony, Welsh Pony, Connemara, Zony, Vega, Gotland Pony, and Dartmoor Pony.


  • Mondays: 01:00, 05:00, 09:00, 13:00, 17:00, 21:00
  • Tuesdays: 00:30, 04:30, 08:30, 12:30, 16:30, 20:30
  • Wednesdays: 00:00, 04:00, 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00
  • Thursdays: 03:30, 07:30, 11:30, 15:30, 19:30, 23:30
  • Fridays: 02:30, 06:30, 10:30, 14:30, 16:30, 18:30, 22:30
  • Saturdays: 02:00, 08:00, 12:30, 17:00, 21:30
  • Sundays: 01:00, 05:30, 07:00, 11:30, 16:00, 20:30


Old championship area
  • The Silversong Pony Championship was added on May 14, 2014.[citation needed]
  • It is one of the three championships that non-Star Riders can participate in, along with the Moorland Championship and Fort Pinta Championship.
  • Prior to February 15, 2023, it was simply called the Pony Championship.
  • The Silversong Pony Championship was revamped on March 1, 2023.[1]


  1. "Prancing Ponies Promenading!" Star Stable. Star Stable Entertainment, March 1, 2023.