Steve's Farm

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This is where Steve keeps his horses.

— Star Stable Online

Steve's Farm is the stable closest to Silverglade Village. It is owned by Steve.


The updated farm has lots of flowers and vegetation. There are multiple paddocks in front of the barn and a riding arena nearby. In the horse sale area, there is a Horse Stylist. Along with horses, the farm has chickens, sheep, and squirrels.

Available Races


  • The stable at the farm can be used as a home stable.
    • As of the end of 2023, it is the most popular home stable location in the game.[1] It is also one of the few locations that has multiple home stable entrances.
  • The farm was updated in September 2021.[2]
    • Before the update, the barn was painted yellow; after the update, it is now red. At the back of the barn there are areas that are still yellow and are being painted, likely intended as a small Easter egg.
  • Due to the farm's central location in the game map and Silverglade being unlocked early in the game, it is a popular gathering area for players.


  1. Star Stable Online, “Our year in review. Ready? Let's do this!” Instagram, December 30, 2023, accessed January 11, 2024,
  2. "Steve's Farm Revamp!" Star Stable. Star Stable Entertainment, September 21, 2021.