Talk:Redeem Codes/@comment-25997308-20170721014104

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If you are going to comment about ...

1. How you want new codes to come out (we can't do anything about it)

2. Asking us to make codes (we don't make codes, the team does - and we have no connection to the team)

3. Asking if there are any new codes (there is a list on this page for a reason)

4. Wanting to know when the next code comes out (we don't know)

... do us all a favour and don't.

If you do comment about these, even though this comment is at or near the top of the comment section, you may get a warning and/or be temporarily banned (this is because these questions are asked so overwhelmingly many times that this seems to be the only way to get the message through).

Have a lovely day!

P.S. Please, speak English on this wikia.