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I agree about it being a bit silly to think he's hot, but honestly, I've seen people call worse things hot. /shrug

I don't think Ydris is evil, despite what he's done to us. I think he's just a chaotic neutral. It's quite clear that he is only interested in his own agenda and beliefs.

My biggest question is, why is he in Jorvik in the first place? He appeared to want to save Pandoria in exchange for Jorvik, but if Pandoria matters to him more than the place he's currently taking residence in, then why is he living in Jorvik? Fripp was banished, we know that (then again Fripp isn't really a pandorian). But Ydris?

Could there be more pandorians hiding in Jorvik as well? What is really going on in Pandoria? And why do Garnok and Dark Core want to destroy Jorvik? Ydris seemed so willing to get rid of Jorvik as well. Are we wrong about one needing the other to co-exist? Or is it that Garnok wants to take over Jorvik and not exactly destroy it..?