Texas Bluebell

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Texas Bluebell is a hidden questline in Star Stable Online in which the player discovers foal lost in the forest.

Quest Activation Requirements

To activate this quest, the player must:

  1. Have access to the Harvest Counties
  2. Have completed the quest where you free Lisa from Pandoria.


Texas Bluebell

Step 1

Ride through Greendale until you arrive at X: 105, Y:256 where colorful music notes can be seen floating in the air. Interact with the quest marker to initiate the quest.

‎A pleasant song can be heard echoing faintly through Greendale.

Texas Bluebell
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
The Player
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Player XP:
N/A PlayerXP.png
X: 105, Y:256
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Follow the song.

Step 2

Follow the trail of music notes that appear. The trail will end in a clearing with Lisa, Starshine, and a foal. A short cutscene will play.

Lisa icon new.png

‎*whispers* <Player Name>, hi! Be careful to not approach too quickly, you'll spook the foal.

Note: The player can respond to Lisa in different ways. Each response will receive a slightly different answer from her.

‎1. "Who is this little fellow?"

2. "Were you the one singing?"

Lisa icon new.png

‎1. I found him all alone out here while taking Starshine on a ride through the forest.

2. Yes, the little guy here was all alone and hurt, and I just had to do something for him. With my music, I could heal him.

Lisa icon new.png

‎I found him all alone out here while taking Starshine on a ride through the forest.

He was so cold and helpless when we found him. All alone and not able to understand where his mother went. The sight of him felt like my heart would shatter in a thousand tiny pieces.

‎1. "But where is the mother?"

2. "Was he abandoned here?"

Lisa icon new.png

‎1. That's what I intend to find out. A foal should be with its mother.

2. No mother mare would abandon a foal this young. Not for anything. I'm afraid something terrible might have happened.

Lisa icon new.png

‎I want to take a quick look around the area to see if I can find the mother. And if it comes to the worst... I will handle that too.

<Player Name>, it'd mean a lot to me if you could watch over the foal while I look. Could you do that for me?

‎1. "Of course!"

2. "I'll come with you."

Lisa icon new.png

‎1. I knew I could rely on you. I'll try to not be gone for long.

2. Thanks, but someone needs to look after the foal. Be here with him. Show him that he's not alone in this world.

Lisa icon new.png

‎Starshine, could you lend a helping hand-or hoof - to <Player Name> while I'm gone?


‎I will guard them with my life, Lisa.

Lisa icon new.png

‎You hear that, little fella? You're in good hands with these two. I'll be right back. Promise.

Texas icon.png

‎*whine* *whinny*

[With Lisa gone, the foal seems to be getting stressed.]

Lost foals

Step 3

Speak with Starshine about the foal.


‎The youngling is still wary of you. Approach carefully and see if he allows you to touch him. Take it slow and he might decide to trust you.

Lost foals
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Player XP:
N/A PlayerXP.png
X: 105, Y:256
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Approach the foal and pet it.

Step 4

Orange sparkles will appear around the foal. Interact with them to pet him.

Texas icon.png

‎"[The foal seems to have calmed down, but nudges its muzzle against you, hungrily.]


‎When Lisa and I found this foal, he was at his limits. Thanks to the healing power of the Star Circle, he will make it, but it's no wonder he's still hungry.

‎1."What could he eat?"

2."Can you feed him, Starshine?"


‎1. There are some absolutely delicious budding spring leaves around the canopy here that I would recommend to any horse, but a foal this young should still be fed by his mother. I might be a heroic immortal being, but that is a service I cannot provide.

2. I'm not a mare! Not this time around, anyway.


‎The best we can do would be to find a broodmare to foster him in his mother's stead. Once Lisa returns we'll take him to Herman inJorvik Stables. I know he'll take good care of him. He always took good care of me.

‎1. "Did you grow up at the Jorvik Stables?"

2. "What were you like as a foal?"


‎1. I was born in the great Jorvik wilderness, but just like this little one, I ended up without anyone in the world. Herman was the one who found me, and took me in as a foal.

2. It all becomes a bit of a blur, one's childhood, when you're reborn time and again throughout history.


‎Truthfully, I do not recall much of what happened in this life before meeting Lisa.

What I do remember are the adventures. Wind in my mane, galloping into the unknown, my fearless Soul Rider with me every step of the way.

I guess you could say I'm wild at heart. I don't like to be penned in. I'm lucky to have a Soul Rider who understands that.

It might be part because of our similar experiences that Lisa and I have always been able to connect so well. That is why she cares so much for this young foal as well.

‎1. "What do you mean?"

2. "Because of her mother..."


‎1. Apologies, that isn't my place to say. You and Lisa seem like good friends. I'm sure she'll tell you some day.

2. It's a pain that will never leave her, but if she told you about it, she must really trust you.

Texas icon.png

‎*neigh* *neigh*

Lisa icon new.png

‎Don't worry, little one. I'm here.

Thank you both for helping me look after him. This way I hope he understands that he still has friends he can rely on.

‎1. "Did you find anything?"

2. "We should take him to Jorvik Stables."

Lisa icon new.png

‎1. I took care of it. The foal is what is important now. We need to make sure that he is taken in by someone who can understand him.

2. You just read my mind. Herman has given me and Starshine the help we needed in the past. There is no other person I would trust more to properly care for this little guy.


‎We should take him to Herman. He has always been kind to the both of us, and I can't imagine a better place for an abandoned foal to find a home.

This is for you

Step 5

Speak to Lisa

Lisa icon new.png

‎To Jorvik Stables then?

This is for you
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Jorvik Shillings:
+20 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Player XP:
+200 PlayerXP.png
X: 105, Y:256
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Ride with the foal to Jorvik Stables.

Lisa icon new.png

‎Normally I'd ask to race you back to the stables, but let's make sure the little one can keep up. You lead the way <Player Name>.

‎1. "Let's go!" 2. "Only if you sing that song!"

Step 6

Ride to Jorvik Stables. You can choose to take a trailer or run there yourself.


‎Why <Player Name>, Lisa and Starshine! How kind of you to drop by and visit old Herman! Perhaps I should put on a kettle of tea?

Lisa icon new.png

‎It's good to see you, Herman, but this time we have someone with us who needs you far more than we do.


‎I may be old, but I haven't lost all my senses when it comes to horses yet.

Mark my words, this foal is a Starbreed.

A Starbreed! Just like you, Starshine!

Starbreeds are horses with a special destiny. I wonder what the future has in store for this one?

We have several kind broodmares who recently have foaled, and I'm sure some wouldn't mind adopting another one. We'll make sure you have a good home here, little guy.

Since you brought him here, Lisa, I think you should be the one to name him. You have anything in mind?

Lisa icon new.png


His name is Texas.


‎To the Jorvik Stables then?

Step 7

Speak with Lisa to complete the quest.

Lisa icon new.png

‎A Starbreed, huh? What a miracle! Almost makes me wonder if little Texas, without knowing it, led us to find him?

I know he'll be fine now, but I can't help but wonder what fate might have in store for him. I hope he will find a good person to bond with. The bond between a human and a Starbreed can be the greatest adventure of all.

It always is for me and Starshine.

Am I sounding sappy, <Player Name>? Haha, maybe, but that's just who I am. At any rate, I'm feeling much better now, like a burden I was carrying somehow feels just a bit lighter.

Thanks for everything, <Player Name>. I'll see you around.