The Forgotten Fields

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Long ago there used to be a large forest here, but it was all cut down to build ships for the Earl's navy.

— Star Stable Online

The Forgotten Fields are large, abandoned fields located in the northern Harvest Counties.

Like most other parts of the northern Harvest Counties, the Forgotten Fields lie on a rugged landscape far away from rest of the island, making it unattractive to developers, thus leaving it mostly uninhabited.

The only buildings located in the Forgotten Fields is the Unfortunate Dews Farm, which is uninhabited other than by Maya, who is attempting to refurbish the farm.


  • Hundreds of years ago, two Primeval Trees were here. One was cut down during the area's deforestation, and The Sleeping Widow became the sole survivor.
  • Prior to its deforestation, the Forgotten Fields may have looked a lot like the forest of Greendale.
  • In 2015 and 2016, an iceberg floated to the Forgotten Fields and become accessible to players, where they could buy pet seal pups and limited edition clothes.
  • The area's graphics were updated along with the rest of The Harvest Counties in 2019.