The Legend Awakens

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The Legend Awakens is the second book in the Soul Riders series.

Official Synopsis

Having split up on their own individual missions at the end of book 1, the Soul Riders are now in increasing danger. In a desperate act, Anne manages to save her friends by using her newfound magical abilities. Together again, the Soul Riders feel their powers intensify as they work in unison for the first time. The legend awakens as they start their training with the druids and learn who they are and what it means to be a Soul Rider.

To truly master their powers they must obtain a book that is kept by the witch Pi who was once an ally to the druids, but now has turned on them. When they return to the druids, they learn that a magical rift has been opened up threatening to destroy Winter Valley and the thousands who live there. Linda has visions of the dark and terrible fate that awaits if the Dark Riders succeed. But worst of all, they realize that they are the ones who caused the rift and have no choice but to ride out together to try and neutralize the threat . . .


