The mystical Hollow Woods

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The mystical Hollow Woods Is a side questline available in the Hollow Woods. In this quest the player learns how to practice Druidism.

Quest Activation Requirements

To activate this quest, the player must:

  1. Have access to Silverglade.


The mystical Hollow Woods

Step 1

Head to the hollow woods. Follow the trail until you come upon a small purple runestone with a yellow quest marker above it. Interact with it to initiate the quest.

‎That looks interesting. I should check it out.

The mystical Hollow Woods
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Jorvik Shillings:
+20 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Luminous Falls
Player XP:
+150 PlayerXP.png
X:245, Y:141
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Inspect the intriguing runestone in Hollow Woods.

Step 2

The runestone will now be surrounded by orange sparkles. Interact with the runestone again and a cutscene will start.

‎Wow! It's as if the runestone came to life.

Rune Runner

Step 3

A Horse will appear in front of your path. Interact with her.

‎(The Rune Runner puts its nose close to your face and puffs out some air. She's saying hello, and asking you to follow her.)

Rune Runner
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Rune Runner
Jorvik Shillings:
+20 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Luminous Falls
Player XP:
+200 PlayerXP.png
X:246, Y:140
Horse XP:
+250 HorseXP.png

Goal: Ride alongside the Rune Runner.

Rune Runner

‎(Though the horse's mouth doesn't move, it's as if you can hear her thoughts.) "You have what it takes. Come, we must move forward."

Step 4

The Rune Runner will trot off. Follow along the path in front of you and you will see the Rune Runner further down the path. Interact with her when you are close and she will continue down the path. Repeat this until she has led to all the way to Valedale Village. Finally, a Druid will appear next to a tree in front of you. Speak with her.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎Welcome to Hollow Woods. Unless you have been here before?

The lone wolf

Speak with Wynna again.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎My name is Wynna Sunbeam, and this is my small corner of Jorvik.

The lone wolf
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Wynna Sunbeam
Jorvik Shillings:
+20 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Hollow Woods
Player XP:
+200 PlayerXP.png
X: 273, Y: 111
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Get to know Wynna and Hollow Woods.

Step 5

Speak with Wynna again.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎And your name is...?

Note: The player can respond to this question in three ways. Each response will receive a slightly different answer from Wynna.

The Player

‎1. "Where did you come from?"

2."That horse just disappeared!"

3."I recognize your last name…"

Wynna Sunbeam

‎1. I know these woods like the back of my hand, so I come and go as I please.

2. Oh, her? She likes to wander the woods alone. No point in trying to control such majestic creatures. They have minds of their own.

3. Ah, yes. A long time ago I helped a young girl settle in this strange village, took her under my wing if you will, and so she took my name as she carved a new identity for herself.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎Seeing as you won't give me your name, I'll have to give you one myself. Now, let me see... Ah, yes. I have just the one.

I will call you Bug. Now Bug, we have much to discuss.

A little horsie told me that the runestone sprung to life when you interacted with it. How intriguing.

You've already seen that there's something about Hollow Woods... something magical.

Valedale Village here is the home of the Keepers of Aideen-an ancient network of druids and other folk dedicated to the stewardship of the goddess Aideen and her legacy.

Note: The player can respond to this question in two ways. Each response will receive a slightly different answer from Wynna.

The Player

‎1. "Tell me more!"

2. I know this already."

Wynna Sunbeam

‎1. Not every Keeper of Aideen is a druid, nor is every druid a Keeper of Aideen. I prefer to focus on tending to these woods, and that is where I connect to Aideen the most. Others may choose to fight the good fight, seeking to unite the legendary Soul Riders and keep darkness at bay.

2. It is true, you have a deep understanding of these woods and the surrounding areas. I could see it as soon as you and <Player Horse> rode over. But of course, there are things about the world that not even Aideen knows. Allow me to explain.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎No matter what a druid chooses to focus on, one thing is certain. The Hollow Woods is our magical playground.

I think our next topic of discussion requires a little stroll around the premises.

To the runestone

Speak with Wynna again.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎Come, walk with me. Are you ready to learn more about the different paths of druidism?

To the runestone
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Wynna Sunbeam
Jorvik Shillings:
+20 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Hollow Woods
Player XP:
+200 PlayerXP.png
X: 273, Y: 111
Horse XP:
+150 HorseXP.png

Goal:Ride alongside Wynna and learn about druidism.

Step 6

Wynna will walk past the Motherstone (the giant runestone) and towards a Druid wearing a straw hat. Interact with the orange sparkles near her.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎Druids are drawn to three main paths of study. There is the path of Terra, the path of Runology, and the path of Whimsy.

The path of Terra is everything with the Earth. Gardening, studying wild plants, brewing solutions, and being one with the land. Gaia will guide you through this path.

Step 7

Wynna will begin walking southwest, towards a druid wearing a grey hood, white shirt and black skirt. Interact with the orange sparkles near her.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎Runestones are ancient structures dotted about the entire island, but in Hollow Woods, their magic is most intense. It is our duty as druids to study them and decipher their ancient secrets. Jade will guide you through this path.

Step 8

Wynna will begin walking northwest, towards a druid wearing a blue shirt and brown skirt. Interact with the orange sparkles near him.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎Last, but certainly not least, is the path of Whimsy. As the name suggests, this is about embracing fun and letting your curiosity lead to discoveries. Reyansh will guide you through this path.

But we druids are not the only ones who toy with magic here. No, for there are magic horses who are similarly drawn to the buzz of arcane energy in the air. Magic horse sightings have all but dwindled recently, but perhaps if you spend time in the woods they will return again.

Step 9

Wynna will begin walking towards the Motherstone. Interact with the orange sparkles near it.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎That was a lot of information, I know. But I have faith in you, Bug. You will soon be one with the intricacies of druidism.

Initiation into druidism

Step 10

Speak with Wynna again.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎We will begin with the path of Whimsy.

Initiation into druidism
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Wynna Sunbeam
Jorvik Shillings:
+20 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Hollow Woods
Player XP:
+100 PlayerXP.png
X: 273, Y: 111
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal:Begin your journey into the path of druidism.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎Approach the big runestone. We call it the Motherstone.

From here, you can determine which path of druidism you want to experience.

You can choose to focus on one, or all. Now, channel your thoughts, surrender to the spirit of Aideen, and embrace the path you seek.

Step 11

Interact with the Motherstone. Your screen will change to the druid skill tree. A message should appear saying, "Here you can access different paths of druidism." Click "OK"

Step 12

Another message should appear saying, "Here you can see how much Light you currently own. You can use Light to unlock nodes" Click "Got It!"

Step 13

Another message should appear saying, "Click the node to learn more about it" Click the node with a picture of a firefly on it. Which will open a box with information on the Firefly Catching Node.

Step 14

A message should appear saying, "Unlock your first node by clicking the Unlock button." Do as the instructions say. The Firefly Catching Node should be glowing orange now. You can choose to explore the other node pages.

Step 15

When you are finished with looking over the Druid skill tree, click on the "X" in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to close the window. Then, speak with Wynna.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎And now the real adventure begins.

Glowing woods

Speak with Wynna again.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎Fireflies are in abundance in Hollow Woods. But they aren't just pretty glowy insects. They are the very essence of the magic of this forest—they are carriers of Light.

Glowing woods
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Wynna Sunbeam
Jorvik Shillings:
+20 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Hollow Woods
Player XP:
+300 PlayerXP.png
X: 273, Y: 111
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal:Collect 10 fireflies in the Hollow Woods forest.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎Light is the thread that weaves the magic of Hollow Woods together. We druids say it's the residual energy left over from when Aideen brought life to the island in the mythical past.

Ride around the woods and gather fireflies. 10 will suffice.

Step 16

Fireflies can be found anywhere within the Hollow Woods area. When you see a glowing green firefly, ride up to it and the light will automatically be pulled into your inventory. When you have collected enough fireflies, return to Wynna. This will complete the questline.

Wynna Sunbeam

‎You're back already? You must be connected to this forest in ways we cannot even fathom.

Your journey is only just beginning. There is plenty more for you to explore out there, a whole forest teeming with life, awaiting your interaction.

Ride around, be curious, and you will be greatly rewarded. I will stay here to answer any questions you might have.

As you progress with the paths of druidism, you will unlock more ways of earning light and interacting with Hollow Woods.

Very well. You've done great today, Bug. Aideen speed on your adventures, and I'll hope to see you in my neck of the woods soon.

Note: Wynna will now have a floating information icon over her head. Click on her to be reminded of everything Hollow Woods has to offer.