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StarStable 2018-06-02 12-15-29.png

"oh no"

StarStable 2018-09-22 21-46-04.png

Hello people, it's me! (is it, though?)

StarStable 2018-09-25 19-06-24.png

I might be a bit of a newcomer to this wiki, but definitely not a newcomer to SSO! I play on EE2, Sunny Mountain, as Agrippa Greenwater and most of the time my character is accompanied by either Corvus Corax (Ravenguardian) or Ralathor (Glorybeat) who are both grumpy bastards, so they fit in perfectly with my character.

You can find more SSO screenshots here because Wikia just doesn't want to behave itself and let me format the article the way I want. Rude.

In real life, though, I enjoy black tea and drawing. I'm also a fan of World of Warcraft and Warhammer 40K, listen to power metal and occasionally get to ride a horse in real life. That's all you need to know.