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This article contains details about a questline.

Zee is Ydris' horse in Star Stable Online.

Zee is used by Ydris as a pull or cart horse, carrying his circus supplies as he travels around the world.


Zee is a silver black North Swedish Horse with a unique diamond shaped snip on her muzzle, and bright purple eyes. She has a very playful personality with a love of cookies.


Zee's name has no particular meaning but is usually used as a shortening of names beginning with the letter "Z"

  • Zee is the Dutch word for sea, but it is not regularly used as a name.

Star Stable Online

Zee was introduced as Ydris' pull-horse when he first arrived in Jorvik. There was nothing out of the ordinary about her, but after strange events begin happening at the circus the player discovers there is more to her than meets the eye.

Zee's True form

Ydris reveals he and Zee are originally from Pandoria and when Garnok was banished to his home, he and Zee fled to Jorvik. Ydris believes the only way to keep his home safe is to bring Garnok to Jorvik, and he abducts the player to try and prevent them from continuing their quest. He transforms the player into a horse and puts them in a high stakes horse race, involving the Bobcat girls, who have been transformed into white Lusitanos. It is here that Zee reveals her true nature as a Pandorian Horse, and joins in the race herself, due to her love of tricks and mischief.

In this form Zee reveals her "true colors" She appears as an indigo-coloured horse with a black mane, and tail streaked with pink and purple hues. Her snout has a magenta ombre, and her eyes glow with bright pink pandorian energy. Pink Pandoric energy crackles and runs through her legs, while her hoofs glow purple. From every angle she radiates a faint glow of pink.

After losing the race, Zee returns to her disguise, and pouts on a hill in Nilmer's Highland.


Zee showing off her playful nature by stealing Xin's Mask
Zee's icon.


  • Zee's name follows a pattern with Ydris and Xin. Together they form the last three letters of the alphabet, X, Y, Z.
  • At some point Zee's tail was docked while in her disguised form. SSO has given no explanation as to why this is the case.
    • It was changed back to a long tail sometime in June of 2020.