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Angie is an NPC in Star Stable: The Spring Rider that resides in Bayslope Village.


Angie is an old lady with grey hair instead of the blond seen in her icon, but her hair is in the same hairstyle. She has the same clothing and accessories as well, with glasses and earrings as accessories. Her blazer is grey and her shirt underneath is white. She also wears a black, knee-length skirt with black shoes and yellow socks.

Across the four Star Stable CD games, these characters share character models:


Kate at the Castle Bay Riding House wants some help decorating the riding house for Coyotes summer camp. As such, she has planned with Angie to use six wagon wheels as decoration around the riding house. Kate asks the player to ride and check with Angie to check how things are going with the wheels. Angie has been waiting for some time already as she has already found and made them ready for her. So, Angie asks the player to bring them to Kate.

Quest XP
Six-Wheeled Wagon 150