Beach Slalom

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In Star Stable: The Spring Rider, Alex holds the Beach Slalom competitions on Bayridge Shore.


Beach Slalom


Alex Icon.png

‎This is the course! Go through the gates from the right direction and get back before the time runs out.


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Beach Slalom challenge that Alex has given you! Let her know when you are done!

Finished Race:

Alex Icon.png

‎Well done. It looked and felt good you say? Not too hard? Well, the medals are harder.

Beach Slalom Bronze Medal


Alex Icon.png

‎OK. Time for the bronze medal test. Let me know if this feels challenging enough!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Beach Slalom challenge that Alex has given you! Let her know when you are done.

Finished Race:

Alex Icon.png

‎Fairly easy? Don’t get too sure of yourself. I suggest that we try the next level when you have the time.

Beach Slalom Silver Medal


Alex Icon.png

‎Silver is one step up from bronze, so I’ve made sure that the time should be somewhat more of a challenge. Do you think that you can make it? And do you think that any of the students will make it?


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Beach Slalom challenge that Alex has given you! Let her know when you are done.

Finished Race:

Alex Icon.png

‎You really beat that time! I thought it might be too hard - but you proved me wrong! Great job! That will be a challenge for the students. Here, have a medal as a thanks.

Beach Slalom Gold Medal


Alex Icon.png

‎Final medal. This should be really hard. If you don’t have to put in an effort to beat it I will have to lower the time requirement.


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Beach Slalom Challenge that Alex has given you! Let her know when you are done.

Finished Race:

Alex Icon.png

‎Good work - but this looked even more like a challenge than the silver medal. I’m sure that the kids will be going crazy to try and beat this time. And I really look forward to it. Please take your medal!

Beach Slalom Training


Alex Icon.png

‎You’re welcome to come down here and train whenever you feel like it. I’m always around. Beat the course at a good time to get some good exercise for your horse. The slalom is good for strength and speed.


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Beach Slalom Training exercise that Alex has given you! Let her know when you are done.

Finished Race:

Alex Icon.png

‎Good. The horse looks better. You can really see that it has gotten a good workout from how the sweat glimmers on it.

The Rewards & Time-limits

Race XP Strength Speed Time-limit
Beach Slalom 50 Increases Increases 1:15:00
Beach Slalom Bronze.png Beach Slalom Bronze Medal 50 Increases Increases 1:00:00
Beach Slalom Silver.png Beach Slalom Silver Medal 50 Increases Increases 0:45:00
Beach Slalom Gold.png Beach Slalom Gold Medal 75 Increases Increases 0:35:00
Beach Slalom Training Increases Increases 10:00:00