Alex Cloudmill/Other Appearances

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Alex Cloudmill is a Soul Rider in Starshine Legacy but a normal rider in the Star Stable games. She makes additional appearances in the following games:

 Starshine Legacy

Starshine Legacy Episode 4: The Riddle of Dark Core


Alex is the main character of Starshine Legacy: Episode 4 where she works together with Tin-Can to protect her brother from Katja and learns to harness her lightning powers as a Soul Rider. When she hears that James has been taken hostage by Katja and Buck she challenged them to a Pandorian Codex duel. After defeating them she won back her brother's freedom.

The Story

Alex's story begins with her protecting one of her brothers, James, from a nasty bully by the name of Buck. She easily defeats him with only words, but is confronted by Katja who challenges her to a race. Alex cockily accepts and moves forward with the race to Scarecrow Hill, retrieving a golden apple, and returning to their starting point first. During their race, Katja somehow made it back in half the time Alex took, but brushed it off like it was nothing. To "make things up", Katja kisses James, but he quickly feels strangely ill.

The next morning, Alex learns that James had disappeared last night. She turns to her friends for help, and Linda offers her a vision. In the vision, Alex sees Katja holding James, telling her he'll never return unless she trades him for Tin-Can at Devil's Gap. Unsure of what to do, the group informs Mr. Herman who tells them to seek aid from Fripp. With them, Alex learns she is a Soul Rider. Fripp also helps Alex quickly master her abilities to Soulstrike; strike with a ball of lightning in order to defend herself from upcoming danger.

Knowing she'll need help with this dangerous mission, she seeks the aid of Linda. When she finds her, Linda tells Alex that her books, notes, and pictures had been stolen by Mr. Sands' goons. Alex jumps back onto Tin-Can and travels to the Old Mill to retrieve her friend's stolen items within a few moments. Using her new abilities, she easily takes back Linda's books and returns them soon after. With her books returned, the duo learn about Garnok. They look through different images, each of them symbolizing the four friends and even Fripp.

Only moments after learning of these things, Alex calls in a panic. She tells them that her father works for the Dark Core and had suddenly been called away to the middle of nowhere to pursue some project called "Gar-nok". Not only does Alex now have to stop this Gar-nok project, but she must also save her brother! With Alex's help, she easily found the entrance to a Dark Core building to stop the project but instead stole a book telling stories of past incarnations of herself and others. According to the information she learns, this could be the Pandorian Codex. Now she had everything she needed to get James back. Wasting no time, she went to Devil's Gap.

When she finds Katja, she challenges her to a battle by the rules of Pandoria. Instead of battling Katja, Alex finds herself up against Buck, easily defeating him using her newfound abilities. By the rules of Pandoria, Katja returns James as the promised prize, but he's still under Katja's control. To truly free her brother, Alex challenges her to another race. She wins with ease and rescues James, who is now completely free of Katja's control.

Even though James was now safe, he still maintained a psychic connection to Katja. Linda used her powers to glimpse the images in his head, soon discovering that Mr. Sands had gathered the four element seals and was quickly gathering enough energy to free Garnok. The Soul Riders acted as quick as they could, traveled to the Secret Stone Circle, and each of the riders entered Pandoria one at a time to deactivate their seal in order to stop Dark Core from absorbing the power necessary to free Garnok. The Soul Riders succeed, halting Mr. Sands' plans and keeping Garnok imprisoned for another day.

This is the end of Starshine Legacy.

Star Stable


A girl with a grey hat and black t-shirt in a speechbubble icon. The girl has blonde hair and brown eyes.
Icon of Alex in her speech bubbles in the Star Stable games.

In the Star Stable games, Alex is wearing different clothes from earlier games and her speech icon. Her appearance is the same, she has blond hair and brown eyes. However, her hair is in a low ponytail instead. She wears a red riding helmet with a matching vest on top of a white long-sleeved shirt. Her gloves and pants are grey, her pants being boot-cuts. She is also wearing black riding boots.

Star Stable: The Autumn Rider

In The Autumn Rider, Alex is introduced by Herman to teach the player about cross-country riding. Herman describes Alex as the universe's best rider as she is an expert on cross-country riding and is responsible for the 'Jorvik Cross-country' race at Hillcrest cross-country track. The player can increase the horse's strength and speed through this track. She also introduces the player to apples, which can be found throughout Jorvik and work as feed for the horse but also momentarily increases the horse's speed for 0.58 minutes.

Quest XP
Apples 20
Races XP Strength Speed
Across Sticks and Stones 75 Increases Increases
Jorvik Cross-Country Bronze Medal 100 Increases
Jorvik Cross-Country Silver Medal 155 Increases
Jorvik Cross-Country Gold Medal 200 Increases
Jorvik Cross-Country Training Increases

Star Stable: The Winter Rider

In The Winter Rider, Alex is introduced to the player by Henry Stevenson, as he describes her as as someone specialized in trail riding. Before the race is unlocked, Alex wants help to fetch five bales of hay from Meander Stable, as she and Eric Lowe has an arrangement where they help each other out. After the hay, her race 'Frostbite Race' is unlocked, where the player can increase the endurance of their horse. Later she recommends the player to introduce themselves to someone at the Pine Hill Stables, if they want to get the spot to participate in the Decker Horse Show.

Quest XP
Hay there! 300
Stepping Up 500
Race XP Endurance
Frostbite Race 1 000 Increases
Frostbite Race Bronze Medal 400 Increases
Frostbite Race Silver Medal 500 Increases
Frostbite Race Gold Medal 600 Increases
Frostbite Race Training Increases

Star Stable: The Spring Rider

In The Spring Rider, Alex has been hired by Jordan Jet to create a track for the riding camp. Lisa introduces the player to Alex, where she first needs help cleaning up the beach of glass. After completing this, the player is able to ride the 'Beach Slalom' course Alex has set up on the beach, which increases both strength and speed of the horse. After completing the first race, she wishes the player to tell Ronnie Bob Summers that the slalom course would be perfect for Ronnie's new mare.

Quest XP
Clean My Beach Up 125
A Little Hello 100
Races XP Strength Speed
Beach Slalom 50 Increases Increases
Beach Slalom Bronze Medal 50 Increases Increases
Beach Slalom Silver Medal 50 Increases Increases
Beach Slalom Gold Medal 75 Increases Increases
Beach Slalom Training Increases Increases

Star Stable: The Summer Rider

In The Summer Rider, Alex has been asked by Herman to help out Coyote with an endurance track for the Western Camp. The track is called 'Hillbilly Hilltop Hop' and increases the endurance of the horse.

Race XP Endurance
Hillbilly Hilltop Hop 125 Increases
Hillbilly Hilltop Hop Bronze 150 Increases
Hillbilly Hilltop Hop Silver 200 Increases
Hillbilly Hilltop Hop Gold 250 Increases
Hillbilly Hilltop Hop Training Increases