Soul Rider

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The Soul Riders' current designs.
The Soul Riders' former designs.

The Soul Riders are a group of young women chosen by fate to protect the island of Jorvik from the dark forces. Each Soul Rider also has a set of powers associating with astral symbols.

Known Soul Riders

Lisa Peterson

Lisa is known to be the musician of the group and rides the horse named Starshine. She made her debut in episode 1 of Starshine Legacy. Lisa's power is to heal and bring life, as stated by Fripp in episode 1. Her astral symbol is a star.

Linda Chanda

Linda is also known as the personal assistant of The Baroness and rides the horse named Meteor. She appeared as the main character in episode 2 of Starshine Legacy. Linda's power is premonitions, or rather, the power to see into the future. It is also stated by Fripp that if she concentrates hard enough, she can see into the future at will and see hidden truths. Linda's symbol is the moon.

Alex Cloudmill

Alex is a druid in training and rides the horse named Tin Can. She was the main character of the final episode of Starshine Legacy, episode 4. Fripp described Alex as the 'champion' or the 'warrior', this is because Alex's powers are built for fighting. Her power is to stun, or sometimes turn people to stone and also be used as means of defense. Alex's symbol is a lightning bolt.

Anne von Blyssen

Anne is known to be the dressage champion of the group and owns the horse named Concorde. She starred in episode 3 of Starshine Legacy. Her power is to travel through time and space, or, to be more specific, open up cracks to Pandoria. Anne's astral symbol is the sun.

You, <player's username>

Finally, the fifth Soul Rider is you, as you play in Star Stable Online. It is believed that the player has every power mentioned before, as when Elizabeth sends you to be tested, all four runestones light up. This means you have the power to heal, to see into the future, to travel through time and space, and to turn people to stone. However, some of these powers have yet to make a debut in the actual game.

Previous Generation Soul Riders

Elizabeth Sunbeam

Before Anne's rescue, it turns out that Elizabeth was the last of a previous generation of the Sisterhood Soul Riders. And from her knowledge of sun-based magic, she was the previous Sun Warrior before Anne. In her younger years, her soul bonded with a previous incarnation of Concorde. Even after her time as a Soul Rider, Elizabeth still works with the Druids to keep Garnok and his dark forces at bay. After her incarnation of Concorde passed on, she bonded with two other horses, Calliope and Calanthe.

Catherine Moorland

Like Elizabeth, Catherine was apart of the previous generation Sisterhood Soul Riders. While she has only been shown utilizing the soulstrike power of the lightning circle, it has been noted by Linda that Catherine was learning to master all four circles of the soul riders. Before bonding with the player's starter horse, she also bonded with a horse named Nemo. Catherine continued her adventures with the Soul Riders until she fell in love with Thomas Moorland giving birth to Justin but died shortly after.

Eva von Blyssen

Eva von Blyssen is Anne von Blyssen's mom. Not much is known about her, but she is shown in one of Catherine's memories. Eva is described as looking very similar to her daughter Anne in both appearance and personality. She too was connected the Star Circle, having power to heal and rode a previous incarnation of Starshine.

Unnamed Moon Soul rider (Moon Sister)

Catherine mentions the Moon soul rider in one of her diary entries. Her name has not yet been revealed and Catherine simply calls her "Moon Sister" in her Journal. "Moon Sister" is described as having the power of visions that can help predict future events. After an argument with Catherine ends badly, "Moon Sister" rides off, but does not return to the stable that night. Catherine explains that she and the other soul riders had not heard from her since that incident. As "Moon Sister" is the Moon soul rider, she is connected to the Moon circle and rode a previous incarnation of Meteor.

Unnamed Lightning Soul rider

Not much is known about the lightning soul rider, except that she is connected to the Lightning circle and rode a previous incarnation of Tin-Can.


Previous Generation of Soul Riders: Shadows over Jorvik - T2 B1

From the Star Stable book 'Shadows over Jorvik' Helena Dahlgren wrote released on March the 15th 2021, (available in Swedish only at the moment) the names of the girls from the past sisterhood is revealed. With Elizabeth, (who Eva nicknamed Lizzie), Eva, Sigry and Caroline. Caroline is strongly suggested to be the moon sister, which would suggest Sigry would be the lightning sister. Eva tells Anne she went missing due to an accident, and they assumed Caroline was dead and held a funeral with no body.


  • There is a theory that the descendants of Aideen are the four Soul Riders and that the player is a reincarnation of Aideen herself, due to the player having all of the Soul Riders' powers, just like Aideen.
  • According to Elizabeth, the Soul riders are said to be Aideen's champions.
  • It turns out that a Soul Rider can bond with more than one partner steed in their lifetime, but for it to happen, the partner they currently have must pass on to the afterlife which is proven with Elizabeth. In her younger years, she bonded with a previous incarnation of Concorde. After his passing she was able to bond with both Calliope and later, Calanthe.
  • Every Soul Rider is marked with the astral symbol of their element circle just as Elizabeth was marked with the sun symbol and Lisa with the star symbol.
  • Interestingly, every Soul Rider was either born to the island of Jorvik like Anne, Alex and Catherine or came to the island by other means like Elizabeth, Lisa, Linda and The Player.
  • After gathering Catherine's memory pieces in the Jorvik Stables and unlocking part 5 of her journal, just like the current generation of Soul Riders, it's likely that Catherine's group had a total of five members. Which is confirmed when Linda mentions that Catherine was trying to master all 4 element circles.
  • Only one generation of Soul Rider sisterhoods can exist at a time, such as there is a 30 year time cap between Elizabeth's and the current sisterhood.
  • It seems that the destiny of being a soul rider can through family bloodlines as Anne followed in her mother's footsteps.
  • According to Elizabeth, there will be a 5th soul rider, that will have all the powers of the other four once every 100 years. But that's incorrect as revealed in Captain Brus' story, Elizabeth's generation had a 5th rider 30 years ago.
  • There were 2 ways one could determine which element circle a soul rider was apart of in "Starshine Legacy", Lisa and the others came into telepathic contact with their steeds or in SSO the player character went through the Rune Stone test.

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