Lisa Peterson

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Lisa Peterson is one of the Soul Riders. She rides the horse Starshine and is the main character of Starshine Legacy: Episode 1. She is also a playable character in the Star Academy games. Her symbol is the star, and she has the ability to heal. Lisa was born in Texas and rides in the Western style. She is Mexican, as confirmed in her official feature.


Lisa is considerate and caring towards her friends and as brave as any Soul Rider. She is also agreeable when returning a favor to something or someone.

At times when feeling helpless, Lisa can get easily frustrated causing her to doubt others around her or even do things that are risky, despite having good intentions.

Star Stable Online

When the game first begins, Lisa is one of the missing Soul Riders, along with Anne. She was last seen on a tour with her band. Upon returning to Jorvik, she left on a ride with Starshine but failed to come back. The druids believe that she was kidnapped by Dark Core.

With the help of Starshine, who is seen walking through Greendale Forest in the Harvest Counties, the player is finally able to search for Lisa. They find an outline of a girl riding a horse burned into the stone of a mountainside, which looks very similar to Lisa riding Starshine. They then find a Pandoric crack and after contacting Linda, they discover that Lisa is trapped inside Pandoria.

Information about how to rescue her is limited until Linda finally manages to dig up some helpful history. The key to Lisa's rescue is for the player to request the help of an ancient tree, which is capable of reaching into Pandoria with its roots. Talking to the tree must occur at midnight. Only then will the ancient tree agree to help the player.

After the rescue attempt is made, the player's horse gets caught in a trap set by the four Dark Riders, who were hiding nearby. They threaten to cause more problems, but then Lisa appears. She defeats the Dark Riders and saves the player's horse. The next day, after Lisa has had a chance to rest, a druid meeting is held. She then returns to her father who has set up a home for the two of them at Starshine Ranch. After moving in with the player's help, Lisa and the player make an altar for her mother.

Sometime later, Lisa and the player give their thanks to the Sleeping Widow. The Ancient Tree then speaks of needing something in return. The tree asked the girls to help reestablish its connection with the other Primeval Trees. When the Sleeping Widow refers to the Primeval Tree in Scarecrow Hill, Lisa and the player quickly realize that the tree wants it's roots to stretch across the water. Surprised, Lisa mentions having heard the legend of Aideen doing just that, thinking it was just a story.

After finding Aideen's harp in a museum, the duo gather the necessary notes to play. Returning to the shoreline between the two Primeval trees, they start playing the music and shining Aideen's light as the roots begin to stretch over the water. With the roots reconnected, they discovered that Aideen's feat wasn't legend but real.

Sometime later, Lisa, the Soul Riders and the player travel to Dark Core's Oil Rig to rescue Justin. During the attempt she is amazed to discover that the player's horse is able to fly. After taking Justin to the druids, she and the others are shocked when he is arrested.

When it's time to rescue Anne and the player returns with the Pandorian Keystone, Lisa and the others want to go with the player to rescue her; Fripp forbids them because he needs their help in keeping the portal open, but wishes the player good luck. When the player returns with no success she informs them that she was stopped by Darko. As Darko and Garnok force their way into the Secret Stone Circle, the Soul Riders are restrained by his power. Fripp uses his powers to destroy the Keystone, forcing them out and saving everyone, leaving the magical squirrel in a weakened state. Lisa hears him speak of Evergray before he passes out.  

Not knowing who the mysterious "Evergray" is, Lisa and the others leave to talk with Avalon, who tells them that he is his brother and a former druid who was banished for knowing too much. Upon asking for his whereabouts they learn he is somewhere in the North. Avalon agrees to ask him to come to Southern Jorvik.

Later on, the player and other Soulriders get news that Evergray is in New Hillcrest. After picking up his luggage, Lisa and the player are brought to Guardian's Dale. She learns that the Soul Riders can use this portal to get back to Pandoria. While exploring, Lisa and Starshine go near a statue and it begins to glow. Evergray then reads from a placard on the ground near the broken fifth statue detailing a prophecy about the sisterhood, believing that the four horse guardians were suppose to open the gate but became confused about the fifth statue "pointing the way". Evergray theorizes that the fifth statue was suppose to be a keystone, but clearly seeing its destruction, Lisa becomes frustrated, asked what the point is and is informed that they will have to make their own way by making another Keystone, but need Pandorium to do it.  

Slowly piecing it together, she figures that the exiled druid knew of a way to get to the realm without the gate and was told about the Pandoric rifts that can temporarily get someone to Pandoria. With that she wanted to hurry and get the crystal right away but was halted because the rifts weren't easy to find and needed to be located with the Celestial Wayfinder. Getting frustrated she calls the exiled druid useless and asks why was he here, receiving a call from Alex telling her that Evergray was a bust leaving to regroup at the Wolf Inn.  

Once there, she and the player explain that without Concorde the plan won't work. Not wanting to sit around, Lisa suggests storming Dark Core's headquarters to demand that they release Anne, thinking it is better to go out in a blaze of glory than abandon a friend. However, she does listen to the player speak, and believes that her friend is right, understanding that Concorde is apart of their group too. Touched, Lisa mentions that when she was trapped in Pandoria it was her connection to Starshine that kept her going. Lisa believes the Dark Riders might know something about Concorde's current location, and with Alex agreeing they return to Fripp's room. Before leaving, she apologizes to the player about her behavior earlier and complimented the player's bravery in doing her best to reunite the sisterhood as well as asking the player to deliver an apology to Avalon.  

With attempts to rescue Anne put on hold, the Soul Riders all focus on finding Concorde. To flush the Dark Riders out, Lisa and the gang put on the act of Fripp being outside of the Secret Stone Circle to lure Katja into a trap which turns into a race of truth. She agrees to the terms and declares that the race be held at Scarecrow Hill. The player ends up being victorious against her, but in a twist of events, Katja tells them that Concorde is gone. However, hope isn't lost, as Elizabeth tells Lisa that Concorde, Meteor, Starshine and Tin-Can are Starbreeds. meaning that they can be reborn again.

Lisa goes off on another mission and upon her return she is happy to see that the others have rescued Concorde. Now with the Starbreeds back together, Lisa and the others are determined to save Anne.

After the keystone is completed, Lisa hears that the player was under threat by Sabine and she along with Alex came to the rescue. With the keystone secured. all the Soul Riders and their horses spend the day at their special campsite in Epona when it was Lisa's turn to share a story about Anne. She admitted that her life wasn't easy with her juggling all kinds of things at one time, but that she found joy in doing open mic nights at a local cafe in Jarlaheim. Linda and Alex always watched her play, but Anne had a busy schedule and couldn't come as often. Lisa was given Anne's family promise that she would come one night, but later learns the open mic nights wouldn't last long because the cafe Lisa was performing at was going to shut down. She informed Anne about the news and to her surprise Anne found a way to keep the cafe open and even watch her perform. When she heard of the accident that happened in Alex's story she was shocked that they weren't told sooner. As the night falls over the group, Lisa plays "I'll Be There" on her guitar.

When morning comes Lisa and everyone else leave for Guardian's Dale and are surprised to see Derek there. Lisa is surprised to see Concorde acting up when Elizabeth was nearby. Rhiannon explains that Concorde and Elizabeth bonded their souls together a long time ago. Sympathetic towards the young foal she wished that Concorde could see her for a minute but understands that they could not. With the Soul Rider's powers the group is able to open the portal. Once in Pandoria, she and Linda express the joy of not having been there in while; however, Alex doesn't feel the same.

They make it to Anne's crystal prison and soon Darko comes, talking about how he used Anne in their experiments to create something called the Dark Sun to quicken Garnok's release. Having heard enough, Alex zaps him with her Soul Strike and Lisa thanks her for silencing him. They are shocked when Darko's magic teleports Alex and the player away. Once the duo returns Lisa told them that Darko left when they did. Deciding to worry about him later, they try to figure a way to get Anne out of her crystal prison. Alex proposed using her power of Soul Strike but Linda halts her, citing the possibility of it further injuring and possibly killing Anne.

Concorde ends up releasing her by kicking the crystal, but when Anne doesn't recognize the Concorde she knew Alex says that his soul lives on in her. After hearing that her friend understandably wants to avenge Concorde's previous incarnation, Lisa tells Anne to take it easy after spending two months in a crystal; getting back home was their main goal and justice can wait. Soon they realize Darko is trying to close the portal and they all race to get back.

Once through, Lisa thinks everyone made it but realizes that Alex and Tin-Can weren't with them. Soon Tin-Can comes back without his rider and everyone is shocked to hear from him that she was fighting Darko alone. They all look on with worry as the player and Elizabeth go in after Alex, the portal closing behind them. Refusing to leave them behind, Lisa starts to sing "I'll Be There" in the hopes that the music would guide them back home. She is happy to see Alex and the player return safe and sound.

Returning to the campsite she is informed by Alex of Elizabeth's demise, saying it was all her fault. Lisa tells Alex not to blame herself and that the five of them ride together as one in a sisterhood. Later, she and the others attend Elizabeth's memorial at Doyle's Abbey as Lisa plays "It's Time to Say Goodbye".

Sometime later she attends the Light Ride along with the other Soulriders. On the ride she admits to having seen her mother while walking through Aideen's Whisper on a previous Light Ride.

After Anne's return, Lisa still continued to be comforting towards Anne in her grief about losing her "Concorde". Then, they all ride out, hearing that Fripp is in danger returning to the secret stone circle, she and the others notice Fripp fading away because of his condition with healing magic no use, Pandoria out of the question but seeing the player grab the five clover, and explain to Anne how they got it from Ydris and it's magic. But seeing that they would need someone who knows it's magic Lisa watches the others leave to consult Mrs. Holdsworth but seeing her return with Ydris to despite returning to the Secret Stone the group discovers Anne stole the five-leaf clover.

Because of Anne's action they find another way with Mrs. H speaking of looking for a box called Pandoria's hope and ask Nic Stoneground and see that his fridge is more special than they thought. Then, they return to Sunset Isles where they meet up with everyone after making a magic circle but during the process something goes and their friends disappear Linda and Player brave the unknown and rescue everyone much more Fripp is alive also learn he isn't from Pandoria.

After Fripp is awoken again, the other members of the group go to the swamp to see if she went there for help. After helping her turn back into a human, Pi helps them find Anne in the Hollow Woods, where the same mysterious force has taken over. The three Soul Riders escape the force, and find Alex, Anne, and Concorde soon after. Anne explains that she wants to grow up Concorde to return to the bond they used to have, and after hearing the explanation the others decide to support her.

The next morning, they all head back to Valedale Village and talk with Avalon and Fripp. Although Avalon doesn't agree with them, they continue with their plan to unlock the clover. They go back to Pi to ask her to do it, but she refuses, so they go to Mrs. Holdsworth instead. However, they find that she isn't at her house, but Kora comes with a message for them that Mrs. Holdsworth hasn't returned from a trip to the Fort Maria Library, so they head to Epona to look for her.

Once there, they find that the mysterious force has surrounded the fort and the front door cannot be opened. They go to the Buttergood Family to see if they would know how to get inside, and talk to Scott Buttergood. He tells them that he is looking for the "Fort Maria Fiend," and that it has been getting into the fort and can talk. The Soul Riders agree to help him catch the monster, hoping that it can tell them how to get inside.

After waiting for nightfall, they catch the "monster," who turns out to be Beatrix the capran. After earning her trust, she shows them the Ruined Entrance that they can use to get into the fort and Linda is amazed by the number of books inside the fort. Inside, they find Mrs. Holdsworth and tell her about the situation. After talking with her, Jessica appears and steals Mrs. Holdsworth's papers, which they were going to use to research The Vala, the mysterious force. Outside, they find her arguing with one of the Vala witches, who has stolen the papers from her. The player then takes the papers back while avoiding both Jessica and the Vala witch, and the whole group goes back into the library, where they talk and it turns out that Mrs. Holdsworth does not have the abilities to use the clover. They decide that they will have to go to the Vala for help.




  • Lisa and Starshine share the same kind of star-shaped birthmarks.
  • In Starshine Legacy: Episode 1 it is mentioned that her zodiac sign is Taurus.
  • She went to theater school.
  • According to the SSO Lisa Feature video, the jacket she wears once belonged to her mother and she hardly ever takes it off.
  • Lisa is the second eldest of the Soul Riders.
  • In the audio story, "Texas Bluebell", the power of Lisa's healing magic comes from her singing voice.
    • With her power she can heal those who are sick and wounded.
  • In SSO, placed within the hair salon, 'Heavy Metal Scissors', located in Jarlaheim, is a poster of Lisa from the Star Academy game on a wall in the background.
  • Lisa is revealed to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks (especially after the traumatic loss of her mother) in 6:42 of the Making of Lisa video.
  • In an official Instagram post , SSO revealed that Lisa celebrates the Mexican holiday Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) every year in memory of her mother.
  • Lisa can speak fluent Spanish and she also knows some Norwegian because of her father's Norwegian roots.
  • There is a rainbow striped pin in Lisa's room, which implies that Lisa might be part of the LGBTQ+ community or that she might support it.

ru:Лиза Петресон