Guardian's Dale

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Four strikingly powerful horse statues look down upon visitors to the dale from on high. A fifth statue was said to have existed, but it seems someone blew it up by accident.

— Star Stable Online

Gaurdian dale.jpg

Guardian's Dale is located in Epona.

Prior to Star Stable Online

Evergray brought Catherine to Guardian's Dale to invoke a ritual for an unknown purpose. However, something went wrong, causing her to disappear and later return at the cost of sealing her beloved horse Nemo's fate sending him to the afterlife.

Star Stable Online

After talking with Evergray, the exiled druid takes Lisa and the player to the Dale and tells them they can use this portal to get back to Pandoria. Once there he allows the player and Lisa to explore the place. He shows them a tablet transcripts of a prophecy:

Guardians of Pandoria's Fate
Return to us one day.
The four will up open the gate
And the fifth will show the way.

— On the tablet

He references the four statues to the four guardians and that the fifth statue held a keystone was to "point the way". Once a new Pandorian Keystone has been made everyone heads back to the Dale, the player hears Elizabeth and Evergray talking about someone named Catherine, Elizabeth replies it will be another time. When Lisa and the others arrive she also finds Derrick here and Concorde getting antsy that's when everyone learned that the young sun horse in another lifetime and Elizabeth bonded souls 30 years ago. Then with the riders in their places and saying the right phrases, everyone watches as the portal opens and the Soul Riders leave for Pandoria to rescue Anne. However, after rescuing her, the group discovers that Alex isn't here and with the portal being unstable Elizabeth and the player leave to rescue her while everyone else looks on in concern. Not wanting to give up, Lisa sings "I'll Be There" hoping it would guide them back home and once the portal opens again they see Alex and the player return.

While deciphering Catherine's diary, Linda and the player discover Evergray's experiment on Justin's mother and her horse Nemo as he tried to channel Aideen's powers through them but left disastrous results.


Starshine's Statue (lit up) in the Dale.
  • The four horses flanking the dale represent the four Soul Rider's horses.
    • Starshine is represented by the unicorn statue on the left
    • Meteor is represented by the bearded statue on the left
    • Tin-Can is represented by the statue with the lightning mane on the right
    • Concorde is represented by the pegasus statue on the right.
    • The fifth statue, in the center of the dale, that is destroyed is most likely a representation of the player character's horse.
  • According to Evergray the gate was made by the Pandorians long ago.
    • Also that, the gate's destination wasn't supposed to go to Anne's location or even Pandoria but the location is unknown.
  • In a way the prophecy described on the tablet did come true as it took the power of the 4 guardian horses and soul riders to open the gate, the fifth will lead the way. As the player character was close to Anne's location during their 1st trip into Pandoria as well as took a crystal from the realm that was from there to forge another keystone that allowed the group to rescue Anne in their second attempt.