Lisa Peterson/Other Appearances

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Lisa Peterson makes additional appearances in the following media.

Starshine Legacy Comics

Part 1

Lisa's mother passed away early in her life and her dad wants to move out because of the house reminding him of his wife. Mr. Peterson has a new job with Dark Core on Jorvik. Lisa is angry about the sudden moving. During their driving with a moving van she and her dad have a flashback of Mrs. Peterson helping Lisa to mount a saddle. The horse gets scared by a snake and Lisa falls from the saddle, developing a deep fear of horses. Later, they almost crash into Anne and Concorde in the middle of the road.

The next day she arrives at her new school and meets Linda. After school she is walking back to home and finds a golden star on the road. She is suddenly approached by Mr. Sands who tells her to not rush out onto roads so that she won't suffer the same fate as her mother. Lisa is creeped out and rushes away, meeting Alex, who takes her to the Jorvik Stables. There, Lisa shows a picture of Mr. Sands to Herman and Linda. They find another picture of him, but oddly, it is a hundred years old.

Later, Herman tells her that he noticed Lisa has the same kind of birthmark as a sick horse called Starshine has. He introduces Lisa to the horse and when she touches Starshine they form a bond and can hear each other telepathically. Starshine starts to get better and Lisa tries riding him. After the ride, she and Linda leave the stables, without knowing that Herman was just knocked out by Mr. Sands.

Part 2

The girls find out that Herman has been knocked out and Starshine is missing. Mr. Sands has taken Starshine to a drilling station and is going to destroy him, when Lisa arrives. Lisa then suddenly faints and Linda calls her father at Dark Core. Lisa wakes up and feels strange, and then discovers her healing abilities. Lisa and Linda take Meteor and ride to save Starshine, but they crash into a police car. Lisa walks into the woods and Meteor is hurt. She finds Fripp and hears about the Soul Riders. She continues to save Starshine alone and finds him at the drilling station. Something is sucking the energy of Starshine and Lisa forms a bond with him again. Together they escape Mr. Sands and the drilling station.

Starshine Legacy

Starshine Legacy Episode 1: Mystery of the Soul Riders

Lisa comes to Jorvik because her father gets a job with Dark Core. She starts going to Jorvik High School. On her first day at school she has to find the janitor because she must be registered to take her classes. She meets Anne, Alex, and Linda. They help her. Lisa borrows books from Linda's cabinet. After a day at school Lisa goes to the Jorvik Stables with a key for Linda's locker.  

At the stables she meets Linda with her horse Meteor. Herman invites her to the stables, where Lisa first sees Starshine. He looks really weak with darkness gripping him. Lisa feels a strange bond with him. Herman lets her ride Starshine. It is discovered that Lisa can heal Starshine.  

Meanwhile, Linda leaves the stables and goes to the school library. She finds information about Mr. Sands and Dark Core. All articles and photos are over a hundred years old. She calls Lisa, who joins her at the school right away. While Linda shows her the photos, Alex calls to tell Lisa that Starshine was stolen.  

Lisa runs to the Jorvik Stables. Anne tells her about old Dark Core stock. Sabine locks the girls in the stables. Alex opens the door so that Lisa can go after Starshine. Lisa finds Starshine and they escape from Dark Core. During their escape through the woods one of the dark riders chases after them. They narrowly escape.  

The next morning is the day of the competition. Lisa rides against Sabine in the race. Everybody thinks that Sabine and her horse Khaan will win, but Starshine shows everyone that he is a really fast and strong horse. Lisa wins the competition, ending the first episode on a happy note.  

Starshine Legacy Episode 2: Secret of Pine Hill Mansion

Starshine Legacy Episode 3: Legend of Pandoria

Starshine Legacy Episode 4: The Riddle of Dark Core

Star Academy

Lisa is a playable character as well as a possible NPC.





Star Stable


A girl with red hair and green eyes. She also ears a blue jacket.
The icon of Lisa during the Star Stable games.

Lisa is wearing different clothes than the ones in earlier games her icon in Star Stable. She has a blue west on top of a white t-shirt and brown riding pants. She is also wearing blue riding boots, black riding gloves and a riding helmet. The riding helmet is white with a large red stripe from front to back on top of it.

Star Stable: The Autumn Rider

In Star Stable: The Autumn Rider, Lisa is described as a master of endurance who has the 'Windmill Endurance' track at the Old Windmill, which increases both a horse's speed and endurance. By completing her quest 'Longer and Faster' can the player unlock turnips as a forageable item in Jorvik. She also wants the player's help to collect Jorvik-berries and Jorvik-clover to bring for Camilla Turnstone, the apothecary at Hillcrest Village, so she can create a vitamin-mix for Lisa's horse.

Quest XP SP
Longer and Faster 25 15
Master of Mixtures 20
Races XP SP Speed Edurance
Through the Wind 75 Increases Increases
Windmill Endurance Bronze Medal 50 Increases Increases
Windmill Endurance Silver Medal 100 Increases Increases
Windmill Endurance Gold Medal 100 Increases Increases
Windmill Endurance Training Increases Increases

Star Stable: The Winter Rider

In Star Stable: The Winter Rider, Lisa hosts a terrain race near Cape Point Stables. She is introduced by Henrietta Rein at Cape Point Stables to train the horse in strength.

Race XP Speed
Cape Point Winter Race 150 Increases
Cape Point Winter Race Bronze 300 Increases
Cape Point Winter Race Silver 400 Increases
Cape Point Winter Race Gold 500 Increases
Cape Point Winter Race Training Increases

Star Stable: The Spring Rider

In Star Stable: The Spring Rider, Lisa has been hired as a riding instructor for the summer camp Jordan Jet, the new stable warden of Rockville Stables, is preparing. Jordan Jet has asked the player to test out the instructors exercises, beginning first with Johnny Black,who later recommends the player to continue training with Lisa at the Shoreline Paddock. Lisa has prepared the track 'Shoreline Dressage', which increases a horse's discipline. She later introduces the player to Alex on the beach for slalom practice.

Quest XP
Zigzag 50
Races XP Discipline
Shoreline Dressage 100 Increases
Shoreline Dressage Bronze Medal 125 Increases
Shoreline Dressage Silver Medal 175 Increases
Shoreline Dressage Gold Medal 225 Increases
Shoreline Dressage Training Increases

Star Stable: The Summer Rider

In Star Stable: The Summer Rider, Lisa has prepared a trail in the Old Swamp for the summer camp Coyote is preparing. The trail is available after the player helps Herman and Coyote with the building permit for Herman Castle, which is called 'Castle Swamp Race' and increases both the strength and endurance of a horse.

Race XP Strength Endurance
Castle Swamp Race 400 Increases Increases
Castle Swamp Race Bronze 600 Increases Increases
Castle Swamp Race Silver 800 Increases Increases
Castle Swamp Race Gold 1000 Increases Increases
Castle Swamp Race Training Increases Increases

Soul Riders book series

Soul Riders: Jorvik Calling

Lisa is not thrilled about the move and still can't come to terms with her mother's death. When she and her father come to Jorvik, the sky is mixed with shades of red, purple, pink, and gold, and just above the mountain peaks, she sees a huge constellation in the shape of a four-pointed star.

At one point, it falls out of the trees onto the road for Alex in Tin-Can. Lisa's father, Carl, brakes sharply, preventing a collision. Alex apologizes and drives away without noticing that her saddlebag has detached. Lisa decides to go to the Jorvik Stables to give her back. She gets a panic attack near the horses and runs away, almost colliding with Khaan and Sabine on the way.

On the first day of school, Lisa bumps into Sabine again, but Alex gets her out of trouble. She later introduces her to Linda. The girls try to get Lisa to go to the stables with them after school, but she hesitates, saying she's been afraid of horses since the pony has kicked her, but when she learns her father will come home, she changes her mind later. There, she confesses to Linda why she is really afraid of horses. Then she decides to explore the stable at her own pace and comes across Starshine - the horse of her dreams. Then Herman shows up and takes the horse, saying that a girl named Sabine is interested in Starshine and will ride it. Starshine goes mad at the sight of her, and when Sabine touches him, the animal collapses. Then Lisa discovers her power and heals the horse.

When Lisa shows up at the stable again, Herman suggests that she get on the Starshine. Lisa has some concerns but agrees. After a few laps after the paddock, Lisa goes to the woods, where she meets Elizabeth Sunbeam and Calliope, and Starshine breaks his leg, but Lisa manages to heal him once again.

At the urging of her friends, Lisa agrees to take part in the Light ride. Hearing that Anne is going alone, Linda suggests that she would join them, Anne smiles shyly, agreeing, whilst Alex huffs a small sigh. While riding, Lisa learns that morning when she saw a constellation in the shape of a four-pointed star, each of the girls also saw a similar constellation but in a different shape.

Later, Herman proposes to Lisa to become Starshine's caretaker. Lisas happiness does not last long - a few minutes later Starshine is kidnapped. Alex brings Tin-Can from the stables and the girls go in pursuit, but the van that the torturers arrived in is out of sight.

The next day, Concorde and Alex are attacked by Jessica. Lisa heals her friend's wound, but without Starshine, she can't heal her and feels unable to help Anne's horse. She also tells her friends about how Starshine broke his leg in the woods. She learns that the rest of the girls also have extraordinary abilities. They begin to suspect that they are the legendary Soul Riders, and Herman advises them to contact the Druids, but Linda, Alex, and Lisa decide to seek out Starshine first.

Soul Riders: Legend Awakens

Lisa travels to the Dark Core industrial complex in Jorvik City. She finds Starshine, but it turns out to be a trap set for her by Mr. Sands and Katja. Lisa is locked up in a cage whose walls are live. She also learns that her father has been trapped on a platform near Cape Point Village.

After some time, one of the employees brings the wounded Meteor. Katja refuses to let the cage in which the horse is placed be plugged in, leading Lisa to come up with an idea of how to escape. She manages to get out of the industrial complex, but a moment later the workers surround her, cutting off the road to freedom. Then a portal created by Anne and Elizabeth appears and takes Lisa and the horses to the Secret Stone Circle.

Lisa tries to report her father's kidnapping, but police say there is no platform at Cape Point.

She later travels with Elizabeth and the other Soul Riders to the Swamp Cauldron for the Book of Ceremonies.

Soul Riders: Darkness Falling

Lisa and the other Soul Riders ride to stop the collapse of the Winter Valley dam. There, they must fight the shadow seekers which have passed from Pandoria to Jorvik through the Pandoric Rifts and perform a Light Ceremony. Lisa asks her friends to accompany her to the Cape Point oil rig and help her free her father. The girls disagree at first but then change their minds.

When Lisa manages to find her father, Mr. Sands and the Generals emerge from the shadows and begin to perform a kind of ritual. After a moment of fighting the dark power, Concorde throws the man into the portal, and the Generals are knocked off the platform. On the way home, Alex tells her friends that there is something wrong with the horses, but Lisa says that they are only tired.