Cape Point Winter Race

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Cape Point Winter Race is a cross country race held by Lisa, east of Cape Point Stables. The race is part of Star Stable: The Winter Rider.


Cape Point Winter Race


Lisa Icon.png

‎Ready? Remember that there might be obstacles on the way and that the most obvious route isn’t necessarily the shortest! Now go!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Cape Point Winter Race and beat the time Lisa gave you. Talk to her when you have succeeded, to learn how much your horse has improved.

Finished Race:

Lisa Icon.png

‎Good work, you sure know how to ride! I wonder if you have what it takes to go for the medals? Do you?

Cape Point Winter Race Bronze


Lisa Icon.png

‎Ready to try for the bronze medal? Feel free and beat that track!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Cape Point Winter Race and beat the time Lisa gave you, in order to win the Bronze medal. Talk to her when you have succeeded, to get the medal and learn how much your horse has improved.

Finished Race:

Lisa Icon.png

‎That’s great riding! The bronze medal is all yours! Are you starting to think that you’ll win a place in the Decker Horse Show? I hear that Sabine of Pine Hill has her eyes on it!

Cape Point Winter Race Silver


Lisa Icon.png

‎Time to try the for the silver medal already? Go for it, and remember to avoid those fallen trees!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Cape Point Winter Race and beat the time Lisa gave you in order to win the Silver Medal. Talk to her when you have succeeded, to get the medal and learn how much your horse has improved.

Finished Race:

Lisa Icon.png

‎Great work on the track! The silver medal is all yours! Looking forward to seeing you again when you’re ready to take on the gold medal time!

Cape Point Winter Race Gold


Lisa Icon.png

‎The winter race gold medal? Not many have succeeded in getting it! It is one tough ride. Good luck!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Cape Point Winter Race and beat the time Lisa gave you in order to win the Gold Medal. Talk to her when you have succeeded, to get the medal and learn how much your horse has improved.

Finished Race:

Lisa Icon.png

‎Hurray! I wasn’t sure you’d make it, but im glad you did. Looking forward to seeing you back here for some training anytime! Here is your gold medal, by the way. Keep it safe!

Cape Point Winter Race Training


Lisa Icon.png

‎Ready for some training? Want that horse to go even faster in the Decker Horse Show? Get going, get going!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Cape Point Winter Race and beat the time Lisa gave you in order to complete your training. Talk to her when you have succeeded, to learn how much your horse has improved.

Finished Race:

Lisa Icon.png

‎That horse sure looks better now than when you started! Maybe a bit thirstier, but definitely faster.

The Rewards & Time-limits

Race XP Speed Time-limit
Cape Point Winter Race 150 Increases 2:20:00
Cape Point Winter Race Bronze.png Cape Point Winter Race Bronze 300 Increases 2:10:00
Cape Point Winter Race Silver.png Cape Point Winter Race Silver 400 Increases 1:55:00
Cape Point Winter Race Gold.png Cape Point Winter Race Gold 500 Increases 1:40:00
Cape Point Winter Race Training Increases 2:10:00
