Dark Core

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Dark Core is a wealthy natural resource company in Jorvik owned by Mr. Sands, where it primarily drills oil and extracts rare minerals and metals. Dark Core employs a vast amount of workers; some of which are directly involved with the secret operation to achieve world dominion under Mr. Sands' leadership. The power of Dark Core isn't fully known, but they have been seen operating portals and withholding the power to imprison individuals in Pandoria.

A division of Dark Core is the Nightmare Institute, located at Pier 13, which conducts laboratory tests on horses, manipulating their characteristics and heightening their abilities through crafted serums. The head of the Nightmare Institute was last known to be Darko.


Deep Core

Dark Core was founded in 1890 by the multi-billionaire Owen D. Sands, then under the name Deep Core. The company's purpose at that time was said to be to find unknown metals and minerals, and because Deep Core gave rise to many jobs, it was welcomed with open arms on Jorvik.

Deep Core was shut down in 1904 due to a mine accident in 1903 that killed 225 people. The date Dark Core was founded is unknown.

Star Stable Online

The player's first notable encounter with Dark Core is when Justin Moorland is taken by Sabine to Dark Core's Oil Rig. Later in the story, the player goes back to help save Justin Moorland, only to find out that he is perfectly content with his life with Mr. Sands and the Dark Riders.

It is then revealed that Dark Core is trying to build a group of Dark Riders to help reawaken Garnok and take over Jorvik; Justin was the last Dark Rider needed. Dark Core had also managed to get Pi's help in turning Justin's horse Saga into a Dark Horse. However, she is later returned to her previous state by a golden apple picked from the primeval tree on Scarecrow Hill.

The player visits Dark Core's Oil Rig multiple times throughout the story, all times ending in a daring escape and the last time ending in the player taking Justin back.

Dark Core has known ties to the GED, as seen in quests dealing with the Nightmare Institute. It covertly purchases Drakonium off of them, which it in turn has been used for unknown purposes. After Fort Maria was opened, Dark Core workers were seen transporting the highly dangerous ore with the aid of the Dark Riders. The Soul Riders successfully stopped them, but at the cost of opening an unstable portal. Since then, they have also been tasked with neutralising shipments of Drakonium that Dark Core presumably abandoned.

Using a Sun Void, the player and Anne von Blyssen were able to eradicate the Drakonium shipments - which opened up a large portal above the Dark Core oil rig. Drakonium came into contact with the building, collapsing it onto the ocean surface. The oil rig was revealed to be a foil, and wasn't associated with oil drilling in any way. Mr. Sands is later seen with the Dark Riders, opening up a portal in Wildwoods that freed Erissa.


  • Dark Core workers are assigned to wear special attire: a green cloak, a blue jumpsuit, and goggles.
  • In the Starshine Legacy comic book series, it was revealed that Lisa's father worked on the Dark Core oil rigs.