Windmill Endurance

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The Windmill Endurance is an endurance race held by Lisa by the Old Windmill in the Star Stable: The Autumn Rider.


Through the Wind


Lisa Icon.png

‎In endurance it’s essential to push your horse to the max without exhausting it. Make sure you’re at top speed in gaits, but pay close attention to your horse’s exhaustion level. At times it may be wise to slow down a little. I’ve laid out a trail for you that starts and stops right here at the old windmill. Just follow the signs and get back here before the time runs out! Let me know if you make it!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must succeed in the endurance test that starts at the windmill. When you’re done, go back to Lisa and let her know.

Finished Race:

Lisa Icon.png

‎Well done, <player name>! That was quite a performance. Let me know when you’re interested in training your horse even more. I’ll be here. Who knows, I might even have a few medals for you to earn. We give them out to promising young riders that reach new heights!

Windmill Endurance Bronze Medal


Lisa Icon.png

‎Endurance is a very, very demanding discipline, both for the rider and the horse. Are you sure that you’re ready to try for the bronze medal?


Logg Icon.png

‎You must beat the Windmill Endurance Bronze Medal time. Let Lisa know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Lisa Icon.png

‎Congratulations! That was better than I expected. Here’s your bronze medal! You deserve it!

Windmill Endurance Silver Medal


Lisa Icon.png

‎Ready to try for the silver medal so soon? I hope you and your horse are both ready. I don’t want you to be disappointed.


Logg Icon.png

‎You must beat the Windmill Endurance Silver Medal time. Let Lisa know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Lisa Icon.png

‎Congratulations! That was great! Here’s your silver medal. There’s just one more time left to beat!

Windmill Endurance Gold Medal


Lisa Icon.png

‎This is the most demanding time to beat at this track. Normally it takes years for a new rider to take on this challenge, but you have proven yourself time and time again, so I’ll let you have a try. Good luck!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must beat the Windmill Endurance Gold Medal time. Let Lisa know when you’re done

Finished Race:

Lisa Icon.png

‎Congratulations! That was very well done. Here’s your gold medal. Feel free to come back for training whenever you want, but I have no more medals to award you! You have mastered this track. Truly mastered it!

Windmill Endurance Training


Lisa Icon.png

‎Back for some training? It will do wonders for your horse. Trust me. The trail is all yours!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must beat the Windmill Endurance Training criteria. Let Lisa know when you’re done.

Finished Race:

Lisa Icon.png

‎Well, well, well. Another successful training ride! The sweat on your forehead tells me it was a good ride.

The Rewards & Time-limits

XP Speed Endurance Time-limit
Through the Wind 75 Increases Increases 4:00:00
Through the Wind Bronze.png Windmill Endurance Bronze Medal 50 Increases Increases 3:30:00
Through the Wind Silver.png Windmill Endurance Silver Medal 100 Increases Increases 3:00:00
Through the Wind Gold.png Windmill Endurance Gold Medal 150 Increases Increases 2:30:00
Windmill Endurance Training Increases Increases 3:00:00


  • Between the start line and the first control, the recovery time is 15 seconds.