Sabine/Other Appearances

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Sabine makes additional appearances in the following media.

Starshine Legacy

Starshine Legacy Episode 1: Mystery of the Soul Riders

Sabine is first seen talking to a janitor in the school, as Lisa listens to the conversation. She tries to convince the man that her cellphone has been stolen, using her presumably rich father as an excuse to get her way. Lisa shows up with the phone, in which Sabine is slightly taken off guard, but thanks her anyway.

As the game continues, she is seen boasting about Khaan, and discourages Lisa from joining Jorvik Stables due to membership being a year's wait. After Lisa takes out Starshine for a test ride, she is seen saying negative things to Lisa to perhaps cause her to be downtrodden.

Starshine soon collapses due to the dark presence of Mr. Sands, and Sabine gathers in the stables with a few others. It is unclear whether she was familiar with Mr. Sands at this point.

After Lisa snoops around the school at night, she comes to the stables, realising Starshine is missing. Anne, Alex, and her contemplate what might've happened, before Sabine locks them in the stables, explaining that they could be in trouble if their parents found out, and simply told them to wait for the police to the group's dismay.

Lisa rescues Starshine from Dark Core HQ, she is chased by Sabine, who is seen in a scarlet hood. Khaan's hooves also glow with flaming fire. She is unable to catch Lisa, who later comes to meet Fripp after the experience. The next day, she races Lisa, and loses much to her embitterment. She tells Lisa that is was merely luck, and that this was far from over.

Sabine is never mentioned again in the series, though she is seen in the crowd for Linda's jumping competition in Starshine Legacy 2.

Star Stable

The icon of a young girl with black hair in a messy knot on top of her hair. She wears a white headband, earrings and dress. She has black eyes and purple eye shadow.
The icon Sabina has in the Star Stable games.


Sabine wears different clothing but has the same appearance as earlier but with her black hair in a short low ponytail instead. She has a black riding helmet and a red dressage jacket with white gloves. Her riding pants are brown and riding boots black.

Star Stable: The Winter Rider

In Star Stable: The Winter Rider, Sabine had been chosen by Mr. Sands as a candidate, to represent him in the Decker Horse Show. As the player completed the first 'Pine Hill Grand Prix', Mr. Sands allows the player to compete with Sabine for the spot at the Decker Horse Show, when the player reaches level 11. Sabine reluctantly agrees, if the player is able to surpass her time of the 'Pine Hill Grand Prix'.

Race XP
Fight for Decker 1000

Star Stable: The Spring Rider

In Star Stable: The Spring Rider, Sabine is one of the riding instructors hired by Jordan Jet, the new stable warden of Rockville Stables, and has a hostile attitude towards the player and warns them that her father knows Jordan and he will be sponsoring the summer camp Jordan is preparing. Sabine lets the player to partake in the track she has prepared 'Beauvista race', which increases both a horse's strength and endurance.

Races XP Strength Endurance
Beauvista Race 200 Increases Increases
Beauvista Race Bronze Medal 250 Increases Increases
Beauvista Race Silver Medal 300 Increases Increases
Beauvista Race Gold Medal 350 Increases Increases
Beauvista Race Training Unknown Unknown Unknown

Soul riders book series

Soul Riders: Jorvik Calling

Sabine pretends to be a new student at the school where Soul riders study. Together with Jessica, she constantly provokes fights and looks for trouble. She charms Herman to get closer to Starshine and with her powers causes the animal to collapse. Her plan fails as Lisa manages to heal the horse. After this incident, Herman orders Sabine to get out of his stables and never to come back.

Soul Riders: Legend Awakens

Sabine follows Linda as she arrives at the Pine Hill Mansion. With the help of Dark Core employees, she kidnaps Meteor. She also tries to hurt Linda, but then Alex shows up to prevent it and takes her friend from the property. Later, Sabine and the other Dark Riders go to Scarecrow Hill to destroy the golden apple, but during the pursuit of the Soul Riders, she rides over an old bridge, which collapses underneath and falls into the abyss.

Soul Riders: Darkness Falling

Sabine, as she recalls, has never been a human being, and thanks to that she survives a fall from a bridge. She and the other Dark riders return through the forest to the Dark Core headquarters. On the way, she comes across the Soul Riders' camp but decides to go on.

Later on the Dark Core platform, along with the other generals, she deprives the Soul Riders and their horses of magical energy with the help of Mr. Sands and the portal Concorde throws the man into at the end of the ritual. Sabine, Jessica, and Katja are thrown off the platform into the icy water, but once again emerge unscathed.


  • Sabine is the only Dark Rider to be seen in her Dark Rider outfit in Starshine Legacy.
  • In Starshine Legacy 4, Mr. Sands, Katja, and Jessica were said to be connected to Garnok, and supernatural entities. Sabine is not mentioned in this list for unknown reasons.
  • In Star Academy, Herman mentioned that Sabine was on a vacation with her parents on a tropical island, and therefore, wasn't able to carry out her duties at Jorvik Stables. This confirmed at the time that she was a human being, and further insinuated that she came from a wealthy family.