Beauvista Race

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The Beauvista Races are held by Sabine at a racetrack near the Beauvista Stables in Star Stable: The Spring Rider. A bug in the original CD prevents the player from collecting the rewards for the Training race.


Beauvista Race


Sabina Icon.png

‎I heard that you were trying to get on Jordan Jet’s good side. But you will have no chance in competing with me. My father knows her and he will be sponsoring the camp. So I am working with her already. I’ve put together a little track for the students that you can try if you like, but I’m quite convinced that the time I’ve set is far too difficult for you …


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‎Sabine has dared you to try and beat her time along the Beauvista track. Let her know when you’ve succeeded!

Finished Race:

Sabina Icon.png

‎Hmph. Lucky I’m sure. At least you will have no chance on the medal times…

Beauvista Race Bronze Medal


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‎You can try for the bronze medal if you want to, but it really is just a waste of time. It is far too hard for you.


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‎Sabine has dared you to try and beat the Bronze Medal time at the Beauvista track. Let her know when you’ve succeeded!

Finished Race:

Sabina Icon.png

‎Lucky again! Aargh. Whatever - take the stupid bronze medal. Well, third time’s the charm as they say, so you won’t be lucky again… or something like that.

Beauvista Race Silver Medal


Sabina Icon.png

‎I guarantee that you won’t be able to beat the time that we set for the silver medal. Just stay off the track so you don’t have to be embarrassed.


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‎Sabine has dared you to try and beat the Silver Medal time at the Beauvista track. Let her know when you’ve succeeded!

Finished Race:

Sabina Icon.png

‎What!? Again!? Here’s your medal - not that lucky riders deserve medals. And she won’t pick you as an instructor for the camp just because you look good all the time. My father will see to that!

Beauvista Race Gold Medal


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‎The gold medal time? Don’t even think about it? I wouldn’t tell you for the world… or perhaps I would. Try the race and we’ll see…


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‎Sabine has dared you to try and beat the Gold Medal time at the Beauvista track. Let her know when you’ve succeeded!

Finished Race:

Sabina Icon.png

‎You looked a little sloppy in the saddle, but somehow you make the times. You aren’t a perfect rider, but I will give you the medal regardless, just because Jordan told me I should…

Beauvista Race Training


Sabina Icon.png

‎This is what we will be doing for training, to get the horse’s endurance and speed up. There is no need for you to ride it if you don’t want to. Jordan won’t be here to see you regardless so you can just skip it. Are you sure you want to train?


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‎Sabine has dared you to try and beat the Training time at the Beauvista track. Let her know when you’ve succeeded!

Finished Race:

Sabina Icon.png

The Rewards & Time-limit

Race XP Strength Endurance Time-limits
Beauvista Race 200 Increases Increases 5:30:00
Beauvista Race Bronze.png Beauvista Race Bronze Medal 250 Increases Increases 3:30:00
Beauvista Race Silver.png Beauvista Race Silver Medal 300 Increases Increases 3:00:00
Beauvista Race Gold.png Beauvista Race Gold Medal 350 Increases Increases 2:30:00
Beauvista Race Training Unknown Increases Increases 10:00:00