Pine Hill Grand Prix

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The Pine Hill Grand Prix is located at the Pine Hill Indoor Riding Ring and held by Mr. Peebles in Star Stable: The Winter Rider.


Pine Hill Grand Prix


‎This challenge is called the Pine Hill Grand Prix. We use it for testing our candidates. If you can perform well you will increase your chances of Mr. Sands picking you for the Decker Horse Challenge.


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‎You must complete the Pine Hill Grand Prix and beat the time given by Mr. Peebles. Let him know when you have succeeded!

Finished Race:

‎You have successfully completed the Pine Hill Grand Prix. This score has been added to your record. I look forward to seeing you again should you dare try for the medals.

Pine Hill Grand Prix Bronze


‎If you are ready for the bronze medal, please proceed.


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‎You must complete the Pine Hill Grand Prix and beat the time given by Mr. Peebles to win the Bronze Medal. See him when you have succeeded, to get your medal!

Finished Race:

‎You have completed the exercise on time. You have won the bronze medal. This performance has been added to our records.

Pine Hill Grand Prix Silver


‎If you are ready for the silver medal, please proceed.


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‎You must complete the Pine Hill Grand Prix and beat the time given by Mr. Peebles in order to win the Silver Medal. See him when you have succeeded, to get your medal!

Finished Race:

‎You have completed the exercise on time. You have won the silver medal. This performance has been added to our records.

Pine Hill Grand Prix Gold


‎If you are ready for the gold medal, please proceed.


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‎You must complete the Pine Hill Grand Prix and beat the time given by Mr. Peebles in order to win the Gold Medal. See him when you have succeeded, to get your medal!

Finished Race:

‎You have completed the exercise on time. You have won the gold medal. This performance has been added to our records.

Pine Hill Grand Prix Training


‎If you are ready for training, please proceed.


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‎You must complete the Pine Hill Grand Prix and beat the time given by Mr. Peebles to complete your training. Let him know when you have succeeded, and learn how much your horse has improved!

Finished Race:

‎You have completed the training on time. This performance has been added to our records.

The Rewards & Time-limits

Race XP Strength Time-limit Faults
Pine Hill Grand Prix 1800 Increases 1:15:00 12
Pine Hill Grand Prix Bronze.png Pine Hill Grand Prix Bronze 1000 Increases 1:05:00 8
Pine Hill Grand Prix Silver.png Pine Hill Grand Prix Silver 1500 Increases 1:00:00 4
Pine Hill Grand Prix Gold.png Pine Hill Grand Prix Gold 2000 Increases 0:55:00 0
Pine Hill Grand Prix Training Increases 1:05:00 8
