Pine Hill Indoor Riding Ring

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Pine Hill riding arena outside

Pine Hill Indoor Riding Ring is the riding house of Pine Hill in Star Stable: The Winter Rider. The jumping track 'Pine Hill Grand Prix' is represented by Mr. Peebles, and Sabine is here with her 'Fight for Decker'. A save-point in front of the stables can be found.



The Indoor Riding Ring is on the east part of the Jorvik map in The Winter Rider, up the mountains with evergreen trees and shrubbery around. The Riding Ring is a large building with large windows at the front and back and jumping obstacles inside. On the east side of the Indoor Riding Ring, is the Pine Hill Mansion with Mr. Sands, and down south at the river is Pine Hill Village. Further south on the other side of the river is Pine Hill Stables, and going along the river west, can the Meander Stables and Village be found.


  • Pine Hill Indoor Riding Ring has the most difficult obstacles in the game.