Decker Horse Show

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Decker Horse Show is a jumping championship. It's the main championship in Star Stable: The Winter Rider.


Mr. Sands chooses a candidate to represent him in the Decker Horse Show each year. It was Sabine's turn to take part, but Mr. Sands gave the player a chance to compete with her. After the player surpassed Sabine's score, they were chosen to compete in the Decker Horse Show.


Decker Grand Prix First Jumping


Mr. Sands
Mr Sands Icon.png

‎OK <player name>. This is the first jumping. No need to be nervous. I expect nothing but the best from you.


Logg Icon.png

‎You must beat the standard time for the First Jumping in order to make it to the Second Roung in the Decker Show Jumping Grand Prix. Let Mr. Sands know when you’ve succeeded.

Finished Race:

Mr. Sands
Mr Sands Icon.png

‎Good. We are through to the second round. Don’t disappoint me.

Decker Grand Prix Second Round


Mr. Sands
Mr Sands Icon.png

‎It’s time for the second round. This will narrow the competition down even further. Don’t make me regret that I chose you.


Logg Icon.png

‎You must beat the standard for the Second Round in order to make it to the third and final round in the Decker Show Jumping Grand Prix. Let Mr. Sands know when you’ve succeeded!

Finished Race:

Mr. Sands
Mr Sands Icon.png

‎OK. You did what you could, but may not have made it. Let’s wait for the other scored and see what happens.

Decker Grand Prix Final Jumping


Mr. Sands
Mr Sands Icon.png

‎Seems that you got through to the last round after all. By the skin of your teeth, as they say. Now win this competition. Failure, my little friend, is not an option!


Logg Icon.png

‎You’re going last in the final round. You must beat the best time Mr. Sands has given you, in order to win the Decker Show Jumping Grand Prix. Let Mr. Sands know when you’ve succeeded!

Finished Race:

Mr. Sands
Mr Sands Icon.png

‎I never thought you would make it, but you won. At least that’s something. At least I’ll have a new trophy to put above the fireplace at Pine Hill Mansion.

The Rewards & Time-limits

Race XP Strength Discipline Time-limit Faults
Decker Grand Prix First Jumping 1000 Increases Increases 1:40:00 8
Decker Grand Prix Second Round 2000 Increases Increases 1:30:00 8
Decker Grand Prix Gold.png Decker Grand Prix Final Jumping 3000 Increases Increases 1:25:00 8
