Mrs. Peterson

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Xiomara Maria Peterson was Lisa's mother, and the wife of Mr. Peterson. She passed away before Lisa and her father moved to Jorvik. In the official novel Jorvik Calling she is said to have died in a riding accident, which left her daughter with panic attacks and a fear of horses that Starshine helped her to overcome.


In her most recent appearance in Lisa's official Soul Rider video, Mrs. Peterson has wavy, chocolate brown hair that she wears in a ponytail and tan skin.


  • In the older Starshine Legacy comics, Mrs. Peterson had red hair like Lisa and Mr. Sands implied that she was killed in a car accident.
  • In a flashback of the first Starshine Legacy Comic she's seen helping Lisa to mount a horse; a snake scares the horse and causes Lisa to fall off. It is unknown if this moment is still canon.
  • In an official Instagram Post, SSO revealed that Lisa celebrates the Mexican holiday Dias De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in memory of her mother.
  • She was confirmed to have Mexican origins mentioned in Lisa's feature video.
Mrs. Peterson (with her old character design) and Lisa in the Starshine Legacy comic.