Henrietta Rein

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Henrietta Rein owns the Cape Point Stables in Star Stable: The Winter Rider.


Henrietta Rein is a brunette with her hair in a high ponytail. She wears a yellow raincoat with a white shirt underneath. Her pants are blue and she has green rain boots.

Across the four Star Stable CD games, these characters share character models:


After Henrietta Rein is introduced by Eric Lowe, the stable chores at Cape Point Stables are unlocked. It turns out Cape Point Stable has a rodent problem, as Henrietta Reins cat has eaten too much fish to care to hunt. Therefore, she asks for help managing the problem by catching all five of them around the stable. After this she suspects the rodents are on their way to Meander next, and asks the player to warn Eric Lowe, the stable warden of Meander Stables, about the moving rodents. As no rodents are left for her cat, Henrietta Rein asks the player to check with Mr. K. Trout, the fisherman at Mercury Lake, if he has caught the fish she ordered earlier. Which she receives after the player help fetch the fish for Mr. K. Trout. Jacques at Cape Point Village has also asked Henrietta if she has any birdseed he could use, which she asks the player to deliver to him. Henrietta Rein also introduces the player to both Lisa and Kate, to train.

Quest XP
Information Highway 100
Rodent Race 150
Go Faster! 150
Rodent Alert! 200
Six is the magic number 300
Starvation Salvation 150
Sleeping with the Fishes? 100
