Lorna Thorne

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Lorna Thorne is the stable warden and owner of Beauvista Stables in Star Stable: The Spring Rider. Of all the stables in The Spring Rider, she offers the most pay for stable chores.


An icon of a middle aged woman with brown hair and eyes. Her hair is in a high pony tail and she has a yellow jacket on.
The icon Lorna Thorne has in Star Stable: The Spring Rider.

Lorna Thorne has the same hair and eye color as her icon, however, her color of clothing is different. She wears a blue raincoat on top a pink shirt. Her pants are brown and she has red rain boots with white details. Bella Oak, Jordan Jet, and Lorna Thorne, shares character models in The Spring Rider.

Across the four Star Stable CD games, these characters share character models:


Lorna Thorne is good friends with Ronnie Bob Summers, the stable warden of Bayridge stables, and is like him hesitant towards Jordan Jet's idea of starting a riding camp in the area. Jordan Jet is the new stable warden and owner of Rockville Stable and wants to make the bay a new center for equestrian sport. However, Lorna Thorne is not against the idea completely and is thinking of renting her paddocks and stables for the camp. She therefore asks the player for help caring for her stable through chores, as she wants all her property to be in perfect condition if Jordan Jet happens to come by and inspect. Later, when Linda is looking for a spade to fix the Beauvista paddock, Lorna lends her her old spade to ensure that the paddock will be in perfect shape before Jordans inspection.

Quest XP
Read it and Wipe! 150
Rusty Spade 400
A Spade for You 300