Linda Chanda/Other Appearances

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Linda Chanda makes additional appearances in the following games:

Starshine Legacy

Starshine Legacy Episode 1: Mystery of the Soul Riders

When Lisa Peterson needs to find schoolbooks, she meets Linda. Linda lends her books and Lisa seeks her out later that evening at Jorvik Stables to return them. There, Lisa tells Linda about the connection she feels to the horse Starshine, and Linda encourages her to ask Herman if she can ride the horse. She watches Lisa ride for a while until she runs off to school again to read a few books. She calls Lisa a few hours later and shows her the results of her reading. She watches her and Starshine race against Sabine at the end of the episode.

Starshine Legacy Episode 2: Secret of Pine Hill Mansion

In this episode, you play as Linda in her perspective.

Starshine Legacy Episode 3: Legend of Pandoria

Starshine Legacy Episode 4: The Riddle of Dark Core

Star Stable


A girl with brown hair and brown eyes wearing glasses. She also has a white shirt and a green hoodie on.
The icon that Star Stable uses for Linda's speech bubbles.

Linda has a different appearance in Star Stable compared to her in earlier games and speech icon. She still has her glasses and brown ponytail, but she is wearing a blue riding helmet. She has a green t-shirt and white riding pants with black riding boots. She is also wearing black gloves.

Star Stable: The Autumn Rider

In Star Stable: The Autumn Rider, Linda can be found at the paddocks on the island outside of Jorvik Stables. She teaches the player horse jumping with the race 'Jumping', which increases both strength and discipline of the horse. To unlock carrots on the Jorvik map, the player needs to complete the quest 'Higher and Higher' where she asks the player to collect carrots and bring them back. Linda also introduces the player to both Lisa and Thorsson.

Quest XP SP
Wings of Wood 10
Higher and Higher 25 10
Finding Shelter 25
Races XP SP Strength Discipline
Up, Up and Across 75 Increases Increases
Jumping Bronze Medal 50 Increases
Jumping Silver Medal 100 Increases
Jumping Gold Medal 150 Increases
Jumping Training Increases

Star Stable: The Winter Rider

In Star Stable: The Winter Rider, Linda can be found at Cape Point Riding House where she is responsible for the Cape Point Junior Grand Prix challenge.

Race XP Strength
Cape Point Junior Grand Prix 200 Increases
Cape Point Junior Grand Prix Bronze Medal 250 Increases
Cape Point Junior Grand Prix Silver Medal 300 Increases
Cape Point Junior Grand Prix Gold Medal 350 Increases
Cape Point Junior Grand Prix Training Increases

Star Stable: The Spring Rider

In Star Stable: The Spring Rider, Linda has been hired as a riding instructor for Jordan Jets summer camp, the new stable warden at Rockville Stables. She asks for help preparing the Beauvista paddock, where she has prepared her dressage exercise. Rats have destroyed the paddock with tunnels all around but she has no spade to fix it with. She therefore asks the player to check with Mallard, the shopkeeper at Beauvista, if he has a spare spade to lend. However, he has already sold it to someone else, Lorna Thorne the stable warden of Beauvista Stables, and tells the player to check with them instead. Lorna Thorne agrees to lend Linda and the player her old spade to fix up the paddock. After the paddock has been fixed, her 'Beauvista Dressage' track is available. Later, she recommends the player to find one of her best friends, Anne, the dressage champion at Sunnyvale Arena to continue training.

Quest XP
A Kingdom for a Spade 300
Filling In the Blanks 500
Moving On Up 250
Races XP Discipline
Beauvista Dressage 250 Increases
Beauvista Dressage Bronze Medal 325 Increases
Beauvista Dressage Silver Medal Unknown Unknown
Beauvista Dressage Gold Medal Unknown Unknown
Beauvista Dressage Training Unknown Unknown

Star Stable: The Summer Rider

In Star Stable: The Summer Rider, Linda has been put in charge of preparing the Barrel Racing course for Coyote's summer camp and asks for some help from the player. She asks for the player to first find three barrels to use, she believes some might be in the surrounding forest. After the barrels have been found and brought to her, she needs the plan with the details on how the race should be structured according to national standards that Coyote has. So, she asks for the player to get the plan from Coyote so that the barrels can be put in place. After this, the 'Coyote Barrel Race' is unlocked, which increases the strength of a horse.

Quest XP
Barrels from the Woods 25
We Need a Plan 50
Lock, Stock and Barrels 50
Race XP Strength
Coyote Barrel Racing 50 Increases
Coyote Bronze Barrel Race 75 Increases
Coyote Silver Barrel Race 100 Increases
Coyote Gold Barrel Race 125 Increases
Coyote Barrel Race Training Increases