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Jacques is the shopkeeper at Cape Point Village in Star Stable: The Winter Rider.


Jacques shares character model with Antoine, with the same colored clothing and appearance. He has blond short hair with black glasses. His jacket is yellow and he wears a black scarf, his jeans are blue and he wears long black boots.

Across the four Star Stable CD games, these characters share character models:


Jacques cares deeply for animals in the game, and although he is bothered by cheese thief's, he only asks to shut the hole to prevent any more theft by rodents and expresses deep disgust at being offered rat poison later by Antoine, the shopkeeper at Meander Village. He asks the player to also check up on his bird feeders to ensure they have enough food. It turns out they're out of food and Jacques has used the last of his feed some time ago, so he asks the player to go check if Henrietta Rein, the stable warden of Cape Point Stables, has any left. Jacques also helps Eric Lowe with cheese for his rodent traps, but gives him smelly and disgusting cheese to keep them away from both the traps and stable. He also asks the player to check with Eric Lowe if his Christmas card is coming this year or not, as he hasn't received his yet. Later, when Mr. K. Trout, the fisherman at Mercury Lake, asks the player to check if his fishing lines has come or not, Jacques asks the player to deliver them to the fisherman.

Quest XP SP
Oh Hole, Where Art Thou? 100
Sealed Shut 150 50
Where’s My Holiday Card? 100
Hungry Birds? 150
Food for birds 200
Feed the Birds! 350
The Cheese Master 200
Hold the Line 100
