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In Star Stable: The Autumn Rider, Jameson can be found as a shopkeeper in Firgrove Village.


Jameson shares character model with Martin in Star Stable: The Autumn Rider but their shirt, bow and hair differs in color. Jameson has ginger hair and black glasses, his shirt is beige and he has a green bow on him. His pants are black and he is also wearing red suspenders.

Across the four Star Stable CD games, these characters share character models:


Jameson describes himself as a lover of shrimp, and as this year's shrimp party is starting, he wonders where his usual delivery of shrimps are. He is worried something has happened and asks the player if they could check up with Langoustini, the fisherman who provides Jameson with the shrimps. It turns out Langoustini's boat has been damaged and needs help collecting the shrimp. However, the first shrimp delivery isn't enough, and Jameson asks the payer to request more shrimp from Langoustini.

Quest XP
Where Are My Shrimp? 250
Shrimp Shortage 250