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Evergray is an ex-druid and an explorer of Pandoria. He has spent nearly 20 years on Pandoric expeditions, which has given rise to a disease as a result of the Pandoric energy.

He is said to be the druid who knows the most about Pandoria, but during his travels he has been unable to find a cure for the disease that takes over his body after long stays in the dimension. 


Evergray is still knowledgeable, curious and according to Linda, he can be quite jovial. However, before his exile and by viewing Catherine's memories, it turns out at one point he was strict and hard with his training of the previous generation of Soul Riders, especially Catherine.

Prior to Star Stable Online

When he was young, Evergray was apart of the Aideen Protectors together with his younger brother Avalon. He was the main archivist of the ancient writings of the druids. Along with that in Catherine's memories, before his exile, Evergray and his brother Avalon trained Catherine to control her powers but went a little extreme on how to do it.

As time went on, he developed a great reliance on learning more magic of the desert riders and figured out how he could travel to and from Pandoria on his own. As his obsession with the magic of the desert trivia increased, he began to get sick of staying for too long in Pandoria. The druid order chose to banish him, from which he went north and may have met several witches.

Star Stable Online

After the gate in the Secret Stone Circle is destroyed, Fripp speaks of Evergray before passing out. Lisa and the Player find him in New Hillcrest talking to his brother Avalon, catching up before meeting the new Soul Riders. Aware that New Hillcrest was too open, they gathered up on the Eastern Trail and that the group needed a way to get back to Pandoria, with Lisa being surprised Evergray had been there. He also explains his exile and brings Lisa and the Player to Guardian's Dale, where he speaks of a prophecy of the Soul Riders and mentions that the gates were built by the Pandorians for Aideen's return but believes the keepers can use this gate to rescue Anne.

However, he was caught up to speed about the keystone being destroyed, Concorde being gone, and the Light Ceremony Book was lost. And yet, Evergray speaks of another way to get to Pandoria but using the Celestial Wayfinder to locate a Pandoric Rift through there, the group can use a Pandoric Crystal from Anne's location to make a new keystone. Then, following the druid's calculations, the Player is led to a rift in the swamp. Afterwards, Evergray sees the Player arrive back in time with the perfect crystal but realizes for the keystone to be made, it would have to be done at the Stonecutter's Vault, and they would need Conrad's help.

Evergray meets up with Magnus Steinar, where he asks if the spirit could teach player about runic forging but was informed it would take a long time. Seeing that Magnus and Conrad have everything under control, Evergray meets the player outside the vault. Aware that they were being watched, the druid suggests heading to the Secret Stone Circle. Once there, Evergray is overjoyed to be back and in Fripp's chamber, and he organizes with the Soul Riders about a plan on how to find Concorde.


Evergray is assembled by the words ever and gray, meaning ever/always and gray. 

There is a Swedish prog rock/metal band called 'Evergrey' (1995 - present).

The 'Grey Pilgrim' is one of the names for Gandalf in Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.


  • Due to his disease, Evergray can't visit Pandoria again.
  • He can even read Pandorian.