Buck/Other Appearances

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Buck makes additional appearances in the following games:

Starshine Legacy

Starshine Legacy Episode 4: The Riddle of Dark Core

James is being bullied by Buck at school before Alex steps in and stops him.

When Linda and Alex study ancient texts in the library, one of the images represents Buck, with tentacles instead of legs, fighting the Soul Riders.

When Alex later challenges Katja, it is Buck who fights her. Buck loses to Alex, and later, when Alex wins against Katja in the race back to stables, he disappears.

Buck is seen fighting against the soulriders and having tentacles instead of legs.

Star Stable

An icon with a boy with red hair in an icon.
In Star Stable: The Spring Rider, Buck has this icon.


Buck has the same appearance as in Starshine Legacy. He has a blue hockey shirt that has red and white details with blue jeans. His shoes are yellow sneakers with white laces. He also has a hockey glove on his right hand and a hockey stick in the other hand.

Star Stable: The Winter Rider

In Star Stable: The Winter Rider, Buck can be found standing next to Jessica at the Meander Jumping Ring. He does not have any dialogue nor interaction in this game.

Star Stable: The Spring Rider

In Star Stable: The Spring Rider, Buck asks for help to practice hockey in the summer. His mother thinks hockey is far too violent of a sport and he complains there are only paddocks and stables around, no good for any hockey. Instead, he has chosen a place at the beach where he could practice with a goal made of branches and apples as pucks. After all has been assembled, Buck asks the player to check if Kevin at Beauvista Village would be willing to be his goalie, which Kevin strongly refuses.

Quest XP
Branches for Buck 250
Building a Goal to Your … 250
Apples for Pucks 250
A Goalie? Holy Guacamole! 250

Star Stable: The Summer Rider

In Star Stable: The Summer Rider, Buck has agreed to help Emma Twitchita to prepare a teepee for Tomahawk Tom, an expert in Native American culture. Buck has prepared the tent poles but hasn't had the time nor energy to deliver them yet, therefore he asks the player to collect the tent poles laying around and bring them to Emma.

Quest XP
Gather Tentpoles and Deliver to Emma 50