Emma Twitchita

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Emma Twitchita is part of the Star Stable: The Summer Rider and lives at the Snake Bite Lodge .


Emma Twitchita has brown eyes and brown, long hair with a black headband keeping it back. She has a white shirt and a striped top with several colors on top. Her jeans are brown and bootcut, with yellow sneakers that have white details and laces.

Across the four Star Stable CD games, these characters share character models:


Emma Twitchita has agreed to help Coyote and Tomahawk Tom to prepare a teepee for the summer camp Coyote is preparing. Emma therefore asks for help collecting the materials she has requested and delivering it to Tom. First, she asks for the tent poles Buck agreed to prepare and then the strings Lena Williamson, the stable warden of Snake Bite Farm, has prepared for Emma.

Quest XP
Tent Pole Trail 50
String It Up 100
Teepee Delivery 150