Tomahawk Tom

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Tomahawk Tom is an NPC in Star Stable: The Summer Rider and describes himself as an expert in Native American culture.


Tomahawk Tom is an old man with white hair and mustache. He wears a red hat and red sweater underneath a white jacket with red-brown details. Underneath his sweater, he wears a white and grey checkered shirt and a green tie. He also have grey pants with brown shin warmers and brown shoes. He is also wearing black gloves.

Across the four Star Stable CD games, these characters share character models:


Tomahawk Tom has agreed to help Coyote with his summer camp, and has decided to have a Native American camp with a teepee. To prepare the teepee, Tom has asked Emma Twitchita for help to get the materials. Emma asks the player to deliver Tom his teepee, who in turn asks for help getting the teepee up. After putting up the teepee, he asks the player to inform Coyote that all is almost ready.

Quest XP
Getting a Raise 175
No Smoke Without Fire 50