Castle Pole Bending

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In Star Stable: The Summer Rider, Jessica can be found at Castle Bay Paddock where she manages the Castle Pole Bending. Pole Bending in the game has 10 poles with the maximum amount of faults allowed being 10, when a fault happens, +5 seconds are added to the runtime. The race in the CD version is bugged, making the player be rewarded with Discipline in the first race but not in the later, and rewarding the player with XP completing the training race.


Castle Pole Bending


Jessica Icon.png

‎Hi, <player name>! Great to meet you! I’m Jessica, and Coyote asked me to run the pole bending classes. Pole bending is all about speed and agility, sticking to the plane and timing your turns correctly! Now give it a try!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Castle Pole Bending course. Let Jessica know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

Jessica Icon.png

‎That wasn’t that hard, was it? It’s excellent speed training for your horse! Let me know if you want to push for the higher levels!

Castle Pole Bending Bronze


Jessica Icon.png

‎At the bronze level it’s important for you to keep your eyes on the next pole, and don’t forget that overcompensating for a small error can be disastrous. Good luck!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Castle Pole Bending Bronze course. Let Jessica know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

Jessica Icon.png

‎Better and better. You really have the potential to become a serious pole bender contender! Here’s your bronze!

Compete in the Castle Pole Bending Silver Event


Jessica Icon.png

‎Do you feel ready for the next level so soon? Interesting! Let’s see how you do at this level of pole bending. You’d better time those turns tight!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Castle Pole Bending Silver event. Let Jessica know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

Jessica Icon.png

‎Wow! There you go! I bet you have even more in store for me, don’t you?

Compete in the Castle Pole Bending Gold Event


Jessica Icon.png

‎This is it. The real deal. If you can get through the course in the time I’ve set for the gold then you really, really deserve to win!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Castle Pole Bending Gold course. Let Jessica know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

Jessica Icon.png

‎Well, well, well. You did it. Your slalom skills are excellent! Here’s your gold! Now the only thing I can offer you is training, if you feel you want to push your horse’s speed to the true limit!

Castle Pole Bending Training


Jessica Icon.png

‎Ready for some pole bending training? It gives your horse proper acceleration skills and improves its overall speed. Good luck!


Logg Icon.png

‎You must complete the Castle Pole Bending Training. Let Jessica know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

Jessica Icon.png

‎Well done! That should give your horse some extra horse power on the trail! Please come back any time you want to train!

The Rewards & Time-limits

Map of the Pole Bending map.
Race XP Discipline Speed Time-limit
Castle Pole Bending 250 Increases Increases 1:20:00
Castle Pole Bending Bronze.png Castle Pole Bending Bronze 350 None Increases 1:00:00
Castle Pole Bending Silver.png Compete in the Castle Pole Bending Silver Event 500 None Increases 0:50:00
Castle Pole Bending Gold.png Compete in the Castle Pole Bending Gold Event 650 None Increases 0:45:00
Castle Pole Bending Training 450 None Increases 1:00:00