Category:Summer Races

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Below is a list of each race in Star Stable: The Summer Rider.


In the Star Stable games, races are a way of collecting medals, or in The Summer Rider, buckles and ribbons, as well as a way to train the horse. After completing the gold tier, the race is available as a training quest that can be re-played with no restrictions. However, not all races are re-playable and can only be done once, therefore they also don't reward any medals. Most races rewards the player with an increase of one or two horse abilities and player XP.



The checkpoints are used to show where the trail is going, indicated by green arrows in the player view but also on the mini-map and map. The checkpoints can be on flat ground or on top of an obstacle, needing the horse to jump over it. If the checkpoint is cleared in the wrong direction, seen as a red arrow, the race stops and the player can either choose to try again or to quit the race.


The checkpoints have to be cleared within a specific amount of time and in the correct order. Usually, a race have different recovery-times between the starting line and the first checkpoint, and some also have a different time between the last checkpoint and the finish-line. If the checkpoint is not cleared within the recovery-time, the race stops and the player can choose to try again or to quit the race. The recovery-time can be seen next to the Red Flag o the top center of the screen.


The time-limit of a race is different to the recovery-time. The time-limit refers to the time it takes to clear the whole race, not individual checkpoints. The checkered flag on top of the center of the screen shows the time-limit, and the clock shows the current time.

Type of Races


It is described as a tough long-distance race on rough terrain and being similar to an ordinary race: the checkpoints need to cleared in the correct order within the time-limit. An endurance race usually has less obstacles to clear (jump) than a cross-country race. This was introduced in the first game, The Autumn Rider.

The recovery-time between the starting line and the first checkpoint is 15 seconds. Thereafter each checkpoint's recovery-time is 1 minute.


The cross-country race works the same as the endurance race, it is a track done in nature, but in comparison to the endurance race, usually have more obstacles to clear (jump). This competition was introduced in The Autumn Rider.

The recovery-time between the starting line and the first checkpoint is 15 seconds. Thereafter each checkpoint's recovery-time is 1 minute.


The main difference between a cross-country race and a jumping competition is the type of obstacles used and the location. The jumping takes place in a paddock on flat ground instead of along a trail in nature. In The Autumn Rider, there is only one type of jumping competitions with a maximum amount of errors allowed, but The Winter Rider introduces a second type where there are no restriction on the amount of errors done but each error adds + 10 seconds to the timer.

The first checkpoint has a recovery-time of 15 seconds from the starting line and a recovery-time of 10 seconds between the last checkpoint and the finish-line. The recovery-times between each obstacle (checkpoint) is 20 seconds.


Dressage was introduced in The Spring Rider, where the goal is to collect a minimum amount of points instead of having a time-limit. In dressage, a checkpoint unlocks a new figure with 10 stars to collect. If a star is collected in the correct gait, 1 point is given. Every other second the player is in the incorrect gait in the figure, 1 point is deducted. If a star is collected in the wrong gait, 5 points are deducted. A figure can be started in the wrong gait.

The only recovery-time are between figures, which is 30 seconds. A figure has no recovery-time and can go to 0 points, when the competition stops and the player can choose to try again or quit.

Barrel Race

The barrel race works as a normal race, each checkpoint needs to be cleared within the recovery-time and overall within the time-limit. The race is held in a paddock and has three barrels in a triangle shape, with the bottom lined up with the starting line. First, the right-most barrel needs to be circled. Second, the left-most barrel is to be circled. Lastly, the middle barrel on top is to be circled. After the last barrel, it's time to run to the finish-line. This was introduced in The Summer Rider.

Between the starting-line and the first checkpoint, there is a 15 second recovery-time. For every other checkpoint, there is a 60 second recovery-time.

A map with three big black circles in a triangle shape, having the bottom headed down.. There is a starting line colored in green and arrows in blue showing how the barrel race track looks like. The arrows circle the right-most at first, then, they circle the left-most. Lastly the arrows go to the one in the middle top and circles it before going to the finish-line, which is also the starting-line.
The map of the Barrel Race from Star Stable: The Summer Rider.

Pole Bending

Pole Bending has ten poles vertically in a straight line. The goal is to race to the furthest one in a straight line and then slalom around each pole from the last to the first, and back up. After coming back up to the last pole, its time to run back to the starting-line on the other side. Pole Bending was introduced in The Summer Rider.

There are 15 seconds to the recovery-time between the starting-line and the first checkpoint. After that, each recovery-time is 20 seconds except for between the last checkpoint and finish-line, which is 60 seconds.

This is the map of how the pole bending track goes. There are seven black circles evenly spaced in a line from top to bottom. There is a starting-line colored in green with blue arrows showing how the track is to be run. First the arrows goes to the furthest pole and then slalom around to the last one, where it circles around it, and slalom back up. After the last pole at the top is circled, the arrows show the track ending at the starting-line at the bottom of the map.
The Pole Bending map from Star Stable: The Summer Rider.


Reining is the same as dressage, but is used as the western equivalent of dressage. The main difference is that reining usually requires a faster gait overall for the figures. This is a competition introduced in The Summer Rider.


Trail work the same as dressage but has a navigation of obstacles in play. The track has poles on the ground, lining the different figures to be done. Touching a bar will not deduct any points. Trail was introduced in The Summer Rider.